
10 Common Dental Problems and How to Fix Them

When it comes to maintaining good health and wellbeing, your oral hygiene plays a big part. Looking after your teeth and gums is essential for preventing cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Many people across the United States suffer from an array of common dental problems and, some of the time, poor oral hygiene habits are to blame. Here are some of the most common dental issues and how to fix them.

common dental problems


Toothache refers to pain in and around your teeth and jaw. The root cause of toothache is decay. You can feel toothache in several ways. For example, the pain may come and go, or you may find that it’s constant and won’t go away. When you eat or drink, this can make the pain worse, especially if your food or drink is hot or cold.

If you have toothache, there are ways you can prevent it from happening. These include brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and limiting how many sugary foods and drinks you consume. Your toothache could also be a sign of a broken filling, infection, or abscess, so make sure to visit your dentist if the pain doesn’t subside within a few days.


Throughout the United States, many of us enjoy gorging on junk food and sugary drinks. Unfortunately, too much of the stuff can come at a price, particularly to your dental health. Cavities can occur due to frequent snacking and eating too much candy.

Dental cavities are holes in the teeth which form when acid in your mouth erodes the tooth enamel. If you don’t treat a cavity, this can cause toothache, infections, and potentially tooth extractions. Regardless of age, anyone can get a cavity. As well as following a good oral hygiene routine, you must have regular dental checkups to prevent cavities from happening in the first place.

Stained Teeth

If you’re a lover of coffee, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have a cup of joe to get their day started. However, too much coffee can lead to staining on your teeth. Many of us dream of having a pearly white smile, but if you’ve noticed a change in color to your teeth, it could be down to what you’re eating and drinking.

Alongside coffee, beverages like tea, wine, and cola can cause tooth discoloration. If you aren’t happy with your teeth and want to brighten your smile, you may be interested in teeth whitening. Should you go down this route, ensure you pick a reputable cosmetic dentist to carry out the treatment.

Chipped Tooth

The enamel that covers the outer layer of your teeth is one of the strongest substances in the body. However, it does have its limits says this dentist in Denison. Whether it’s excessive wear and tear, or you’ve suffered a forceful blow, both can cause your teeth to chip. If you look in the mirror and notice a sharp edge on a tooth, this could be a sign that the enamel has worn off.

A jagged tooth surface can be sharp, disfiguring, and tender. Even if you don’t experience any pain from a chipped tooth, it’s always best to get checked over by a dentist. This is because the tooth may begin chipping away further and could lead to tooth loss.

Impacted Teeth

An impacted tooth is one that has been blocked from breaking through the gum. This can happen when a tooth is stuck against soft tissue, bone, or another tooth. If the impacted tooth isn’t troubling you, your dentist may advise leaving it alone.

If you are experiencing pain from an impacted tooth, it’s wise to get it removed. This is because should you ignore the problem, an impacted tooth can cause infections and damage to other teeth. Wisdom teeth in particular often don’t grow in normally. Should they be impacted, this can make it difficult to brush your teeth and gums. If you have any concerns, speak to your dentist.

Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth (often called a fractured tooth) is when you notice a crack in your tooth. In some cases, the crack can be harmless and small. However, over time this can cause your tooth to split or break. While cracked teeth are more common in children and seniors, anyone can get one.

If you think you have crooked a tooth, you must rinse it with warm water first. This will clean your mouth and prevent swelling from occurring. You can take anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen to decrease pain and swelling. Make sure you see your dentist immediately if you are in pain.

Gum Problems

As well as looking after your teeth, you need to be paying close attention to your gum health too. If you notice your gums are bleeding easily, or they are tender to touch, this could be a sign of gum disease. Gingivitis can be caused by plaque that has accumulated below the gum line. Should you leave it untreated, this can lead to bone loss, and your teeth may start shifting or become loose. This is a sign of advanced gum disease (periodontitis).

We also know that oral health conditions like bruxism, a sleep disorder, can contribute to damaged enamel and gums. Sleep bruxism is characterized by unconscious behaviors like jaw clenching and teeth griding when your body is supposed to be resting.

Although millions of people have this condition, many of them don’t realize it until the symptoms, like morning headaches, teeth sensitivity, and neck, jaw, and shoulder pain, are too far advanced to ignore. Damaged enamel opens the layers of your teeth up to allow bacteria in and cause decay. However, the damages of bruxism can be reduced with a custom-fit night guard, like those made at JS Dental Lab.

To prevent gum disease from starting, make sure to brush regularly, florss, and use an antiseptic mouthwash each day.

Bad Breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is another common dental problem that affects millions of adults and children in the United States. Various factors can cause bad breath, such as poor oral hygiene and dry mouth. To reduce or prevent bad breath, ensure you’re brushing your teeth after you’ve eaten, and remember to brush your tongue thoroughly.

Bite Issues

When you bite down, your teeth should be aligned and symmetrical on your upper and lower jawline. If this isn’t the cause, you may have a bite issue. One of the most common misalignment issues is an overbite. This occurs when your top front teeth extend forward over your bottom front teeth. A severe overbite can increase your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. To get this fixed, ALIGNERCO offers overbite correction treatment in the form of clear aligners. ALIGNERCO can correct your overbite within a matter of months thanks to their affordable, effective invisible aligners.

An underbite is the complete opposite to an overbite, in the sense that this issue causes your lower teeth to extend further out than your upper teeth. This normally is caused by jaw misalignment. Like with an overbite, if you have a minor underbite, you may not encounter any problems. However, if you have a severe underbite, this can make it difficult to eat and chew, and you may get frequent headaches.

Crooked Teeth

Misaligned, crooked teeth are incredibly common. Both adults and children have them. There are several reasons why your teeth grow in crooked, twisted, or overlapped. This can be because your mouth is too small to house all your teeth. Other causes include genetics, thumb sucking, and gum disease.

Some people have confidence issues that stem from crooked teeth. If this sounds like you, there are options available, such as straightening your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can fix crooked teeth and boost your self-esteem.

We only have one set of adult teeth, so it’s your duty and responsibility to look after them as best you can. While some of the problems listed will be natural and out of your control, others can be prevented by upping your oral hygiene game.

If you resonate with any of the common dental problems above, make sure to speak to a dentist for further advice.

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Preventive dentistry: an effective way to prevent dental problems 

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