Why a Courthouse Wedding in Texas Makes Sense for Your Lifestyle

If you live in a major Texas city, like Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, or Austin, maybe you’re feeling the financial pinch lately. Inflation is rampant, and it seems like everything costs more. You can pay more for groceries, gas, rent, and just about anything else you might name.

courthouse wedding in texas

If you want to marry someone soon, maybe you’re thinking about the cost. You might live with your fiancée for a while and wait until you can save up the money for the lavish wedding you want. Alternatively, you can go to the courthouse and marry each other and save a lot of money.

Let’s talk about this option in a little more detail right now.

What to Expect from a Courthouse Wedding

In Texas, you need to look into each city’s rules regarding courthouse weddings. You can go to the courthouse’s website and figure out what that will cost, how many guests can attend, and what else you must do if you decide to pursue this option.

For instance, Houston courts allow six guests for each wedding, not counting the two people marrying each other. They will charge you $74.00 for a wedding license and need to see a picture ID that proves you’re a state resident.

It’s not quite the same for every Texas city, though. You have to check each one’s details before you can seriously consider this move.

Other Considerations

You can dress in business casual and marry your partner in a Texas courthouse. You can certainly wear a tux or a wedding dress, but you don’t have to. If you feel like the ceremony and the pageantry don’t matter very much, and you just want to do the thing as quickly and easily as possible, you’ll appreciate the casual attitude that comes with this option.

A judge will marry you, and you can exchange your own vows if you like. If not, you’ll have to repeat simple, traditional vows that include supporting the other person in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live.

The courthouse might not feel like the most romantic setting, but once you marry your partner, you won’t have to worry about paying for a huge wedding reception. You don’t need to think about inviting all of your out-of-town relatives. You needn’t worry about who will sit where and whether they’ll get along with each other.

You Might Bring Close Friends and Family

You might ask a couple of close friends or family members to attend and act as witnesses. You do need witnesses, so even if you don’t want to invite family members or friends, you must have someone on hand to witness the marriage besides the judge who will do the honors.

Inviting a couple of family members or friends might work well, though you should exercise caution. If you invite some friends and family members but not others, you might hurt someone’s feelings. If you exclude everyone you know, that means you treat everyone equally.

The Families Can Meet Each Other Later

Mainly, this lifestyle choice works for economic reasons. You can conceivably marry your partner for a couple of hundred dollars or less.

However, you might go this route for practical reasons, too. For instance, maybe one of you has a job that offers health insurance, and you can get it for your spouse as well. Your domestic partner can’t get that health insurance, so you might want to speed up the marriage for that reason.

Also, some people aren’t religious, and they’d prefer not to marry in a church. They might forgo a traditional church service, even if that’s what their parents or other relatives would prefer.

Your parents might not like it if they find out you married your partner at a Texas courthouse, but once you do it, there’s no going back. Your family might feel angry or sore at you for a while, but in time, they should get over it.

In the meantime, you’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars or more. Also, you can have a little secret until you decide to tell your families. That’s something nice you can share with each other until you feel ready to reveal your status.

At that point, you might have a little party so the in-laws can meet each other if they have not done so yet. Not every Texas resident likes this option, but many of them do these days.

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