Travel opens up so many great possibilities, taking you to corners of the world you’ve never seen before. And while those corners of the world will open your eyes to some incredible things, there’s one downside – the travel time. Getting to these amazing places can take a lot of time, giving you a lot of hours to fill along the way.
If you struggle with travel boredom, you’re not alone. But why not use your travel time for something useful? Take a look at the following suggestions for how you can pass the time during those lengthy travel journeys.
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Get into a really good book (or two!)
A lot of people would say that they wish they could read more. And travelling gives you plenty of opportunities to read! Take your travel time as the perfect opportunity to get into a good book, or two! It could even reignite a love for reading that you can continue when you’re back home.
Not sure what to read? See which books are new for 2024.
Queue some podcasts and learn something new
Not into reading? Why not try a podcast instead? A podcast can be a fantastic way to learn something new and enrich your mind, giving you something you can really sink your teeth into! Listening to podcasts is ideal while you’re travelling, helping you tune out some of the noise around you so you can enjoy some uninterrupted time. Download some podcasts in advance to make sure you can listen to them on flights and in low-signal areas.
Carry out some phone admin
Life can feel like one never-ending to-do list, so why not use some travel time to try and tackle it? You could use your travel time to clear up your phone and get rid of some unnecessary apps, or even use it to work through your inbox and delete what you no longer need. A handy tip is to keep a to-do list in your notes with the things you need to get done ‘when you’ve got the time.’ That way, when you’re next faced with a long journey, you’ll finally be able to get things done.
Or better yet, ditch the phone completely
Another suggestion to try during a long journey is to ditch your phone completely! You could use the time to enjoy a bit of a digital detox, taking in your surroundings and simply enjoying a break from all the noise – it’s nice not to feel connected once in a while.
See the reasons you should do a digital detox, even if it’s only for the short-term!
Journaling has many benefits for your mental health, and it can also be a wonderful way to celebrate your travels and look back on them fondly one day. Journaling, whether at the beginning, during or at the end of your travels, can help you reflect on everything you’ve experienced, and even help you gather some interesting information that could be valuable to others.
Collect your photos, memories, tips and more to document your travels so you can remember them one day.
Get to know your neighbour
One of the best things about travelling is getting to meet people from all walks of life. So when you’re faced with a long journey, why not talk to your neighbour? This could be a fantastic opportunity to meet a new friend, get some tips or simply enjoy some conversation with someone new. It can be daunting to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but one of the easy ways to get started is to offer them a snack or a sweet – you’ll soon know if they’re up for continuing the conversation!
Take up some kind of craft
Crafting is another great way to pass the time with travelling, especially if you’re a nervous traveller. Crafting can give you an opportunity to knit, sew or anything else that will keep your hands and mind busy, If you want a simple way to relax during your travels, this could be it.
Play games
Games are a fantastic activity to enjoy during your travels, helping to tune out the noise around you and give your mind the chance to focus on something else for a little bit. Games that boost your brain power like a crossword, are very easy to play while travelling. If you’re travelling with someone else, you could even play some card games or travel board games to help pass the time – so it’s always worth carrying a pack of cards with you whenever you go away!
Learn a language
If you’re travelling somewhere with a different language, you could spend some time learning some words and phrases to help you while you’re there. There are a lot of great language apps like Duolingo that you can use online and offline, helping you learn languages while flying or in an area with limited signal. Think of the phrases you’ll need to use during your adventures and practice! Taking the time to learn a language can boost your confidence, and make it a little easier to find your way too.
This may sound like a basic one, but it’s something that a lot of people struggle to do day to day – REST! A long journey can be the perfect time to relax and enjoy the fact you’ve got nothing else to do or anywhere to be. A long sleep and some meditation could help you feel refreshed and recharged, ready to make the most of your destination when you arrive.
Take a look at some handy tips to help improve your sleep when travelling to help you keep on top of your rest.
Some people love long journeys, while others can find them a bore. Whichever camp you fall into, having a plan of what you’re going to do with your time can help you make the most of it, and perhaps even pass the time quicker. No matter the length of your journey, make sure you’re prepared, pack some essentials (neck pillow, earphones, eye mask, etc.) and you’ll soon become a traveling pro!