If you’re a sports fan, watching the big game is one of life’s little pleasures. It doesn’t matter what time you support or how long the game is going to go on for, if you can watch it, you’re going to be having a good time!
However, there may come a few moments when you want to maximize your sporting experience by throwing together a proper big game package. Maybe you’re getting a little bored of just sitting there with a drink and waiting for something to happen – and we don’t blame you if you are!
That’s why we’ve put together a little guide about making game day a bit more entertaining. Check out the activities below and see if they match up with your watching schedule.
Get Friends Over
Would the game be more enjoyable if you were watching it with friends? Get them over! You can even go above and beyond here and set up an entire watch party arena, with blow up decorations, a faux bar in the corner, and ask everyone to dress up as their favorite player.
This makes the game more of an event, and gives you all another excuse to actually hang out during your busy lives. Not to mention there’ll be plenty of people to chat with during low action moments, and these people will know exactly what you’re talking about too!
Put a Bet on
Sports betting has long been an activity people have enjoyed when their favorite team is up to play or they like the sound of a horse up in the upcoming race. It’s something most people do at one point or another, even if they’re not regular bettors.
Because of that, why not match your watch session with a touch of sports betting? If you usually have a bet in play, you can also try out Arbitrage betting here, if you’re keen for a new betting experience that’s a little more in depth.
Or if you’d like, you can simply make a bet with a friend who’s watching with you – that’s usually a little friendlier, and you can bet things like meals or bar tabs instead.
A Low Attention Hobby
If you’ve got some hobbies you like to indulge in – but ones that don’t require much attention or effort from you – take part in them while you’re watching the game on TV.
Anything you don’t have to actively focus on is good here, which for some people will be playing a video game while for others it could be reading a book, and for a few it might even be a spot of DIY.
As long as you’re unlikely to miss any of the action, use this next 90+ minutes to your advantage and get on with two fun things at once.
If you want to enhance your sporting experience while the big game is on, try out activities like these. They could make watching the game all the more enjoyable for everyone.