Glamour photography is a specific kind of digital photography used for media, fashion magazines, advertising campaigns. The growing popularity of glamour photography genre is not surprising, because many women, and men models tend to present themselves at their best. But often, they are trying to show not the beauty of the soul, but the beauty of the body. In this case, it’s not enough to have the necessary accessories, a make-up artist, and a stylist, but also to choose the profitable model poses to show all the beauty of the body. In this article, we will explain to you how to shoot glamour photography and will consider issues related to clothing, props, makeup and posing for maximum immersion in the subtleties of this style.
Looking today at the media and the advertising industry, you can see a huge number of “glamorous” topics from traveling to local small business, from modern investment ideas to practical advices on online betting, such as bonusy bez depozytu. What was forbidden yesterday, today is open and in demand. As you know, demand creates supply, and the popularity of glamorous photography is growing every day. Specialized photography studios offer anyone who wants to be glamorous, work together with professional photographers, high end photo retouching services, make-up artists and stylists to provide a potential client with a full range of services.
Glamour Photography Clothing
The primary emphasis in the glamorous photography is done on the appearance of the model. Glamorous photo shoot requires a carefully thought-out wardrobe, hairstyle, and accessories – all of this should harmoniously combine with each other and be stylish, refined and sensual. And since the considered genre of photography is especially attractive to women, there are many options for choosing an image. It’s better to pick up several sets that will differ in color and style. Also, do not forget about the beautiful lingerie or peignoir that will help you create a beautiful and feminine image. Anyway, body photo retouching will remove all visible defects of your model’s body.
Glamour Photography Props
For creating a luxurious atmosphere, significant attention is paid to the selection of an exquisite interior. The chicer it will be, the more attractive the final result will look. Also, you can use a variety of draperies, which can emphasize something that is worth highlighting, and cover up unnecessary things. It is crucial that all the objects that can get into the frame, stylistically combined with each other.
Choose images in which the model initially feels like at ease. For example, if the model is fond of singing, organize a photo session around it. Who doesn’t want to feel like a famous movie actress or a musical diva posing in front of the cameras? If there are no specific hobbies, then you can focus on a glossy fashion.
Glamour Photography Makeup and Hairstyle
To work on the creation of an image, it’s desirable to attract a professional stylist and makeup artist who can skillfully emphasize the real virtues and hide possible shortcomings in the appearance of the model. Perfectly executed make-up plus harmoniously chosen hairstyle perfectly complement sparkling jewelry, evening dress or another solemn outfit, in which you can usually see the glamour-style model.
Note that the light during photography makes the makeup-less saturated, so even the brightest make-up in the picture will not seem bright and defiant. But you need to maintain a balance, since “glamour” and “vulgarity” are incompatible.
Glamour Photography Post Production
As a rule, even professional photographers subject their images to editing. The only question is how complicated it becomes and how it distorts the photo. Unfortunately, many people don’t know anything about image post processing, except ridiculous backgrounds, additional items, and collage elements. If you don’t have enough experience in professional high end photo editing or merely have a lack of time, then we advise you to use Lightroom presets, which will help you to edit your photo in just a few clicks. For a glamorous style, the matte Lightroom presets and film Lightroom presets will work well.
In case you are not a fan of photo services and overly complicated professional editing software, checkout PhotoDiva. It is an intuitive glamour photo editor that is easy to use even to a newbie in post-production. The program will help you enhance portraits and full-length shots in a few clicks. You can use it to reshape the model’s face and body, remove skin imperfections, and put makeup on. What’s more, PhotoDiva is equipped with all the essential photo editing features. So you can easily turn any of your pics into an editorial photograph.
If you need the highest quality results, but you haven’t the opportunity to edit the photo yourself, then the photography post production services will be a good choice. Outsource your raw images and get a good result in few days. For a low price, you can order a professional glamour photo retouching, which will surely satisfy not only you but also your customers.
Glamour Photography Poses
When you have done the preparation and start the photo shoot, the model may have a question about what glamour photography poses are better to choose? This should be the most relaxed poses, all of which convey the character of the “bohemian” life. In fact, there are plenty of options: sit and lean on hands, stand and keep your hands at the waist or lean against the wall, or lie down.
Here are some examples of the most common glamour photography poses:
1. Lying on the stomach. In this position, even the shyest model will feel comfortable. Uncomfortable will be only you, as a photographer, because you have to go down to the level of the model eye to make some beautiful shots. Pay attention to the angle. The legs of the model should not suddenly grow from behind the head of the model, so try to shoot the model slightly from the side, but not in the front.
2. The top view. Photographing the model lying on the back, be careful. Wrong angle or wrong position of the model head can lead to a negative perception of the whole photo.
3. Lying on the side. The model in this pose should look at ease, so ask her to lie on the side as she likes. But at the same time pay attention to the position of the hands, feet, and head.
4. Focus on the hair. Ask the model to “play” with her hair or turn on a special fan that will blow the hair beautifully so that you can make some light and airy glamorous photos.
5. A look over a shoulder. Quite natural, but elegant pose. The viewer’s attention is riveted to the expression of the model’s eyes. But this position requires special attention to the neck of the model – it should not look twisted. Do not force the model to turn your head too much; otherwise, the photos will show folds on the neck. Or better choose a different point of shooting.
6. Sitting on a chair. Pretty good pose, which will create beautiful photos.
7. Full-length. The model for a more interesting portrait can be leaning against a wall, a tree, a chair, a table and other suitable objects. She can stretch her arms upwards or bend the body into the shape of the letter “S” so that she can draw the attention of the viewer to her figure.
8. Glamour close-up. While photographing the model in various poses, do not forget to take different perspectives and plans, including a close-up. Photograph the facial expression of the model: a light reverie, a playful air kiss, a beautiful smile or a surprise. Do not forget to apply portrait photo retouching in Photoshop (color correction, Dodge&Burn, skin smoothening) to make your photo pop and professional.
All the proposed variants of modeling glamour shots poses are the starting point for creativity. Each of them has many variations. You, as a photographer, need only work with the model, looking for the best moments and camera angles. Change everything: the turn of the head, the direction of the look, the smile, and the position of the legs. Even the slightest change in leg position can dramatically change your picture. Remember that staged photography is a trial and error method. You cannot predict what will happen next.
The key point to remember: photographing a model in the glamour style, in no case do not go beyond the line of sexuality. Otherwise, instead of beautiful, sensual shots, you will get frankly vulgar photos, missing the desired effect.