Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden for Your Family and Fur Babies

Homeowners are realizing the importance of backyards that are not only attractive, but also provide havens for wildlife, assist to offset climate change, and provide a safe area for their children and pets. Everyone with a front or back yard, regardless of size, may contribute to transforming their space into a thriving, sustainable garden that is family and fur baby friendly. Gardening in a sustainable manner is also more cost-effective because it uses recycled materials and requires less upkeep.

A sustainable garden contributes to rather than depletes the environment. It will be more self-sustaining if it is planted with nectar-rich native plants and other environmentally friendly garden ideas, requiring minimal energy or water to develop healthily – and certainly no pesticides. Instead, it should rely on natural and local methods to thrive, such as self-grown mulches and homemade composts. An environmentally friendly garden should also support local wildlife, offering food and shelter for everything from small animals to bees. There are numerous basic ways to achieve this.

eco friendly garden for family and fur babies

Go Native

To encourage insects and wildlife, consider incorporating native plants in your flower beds. If you choose the right plants for the site, they will also demand less feeding and watering. A naturalistic planting design that uses native plants in the right places saves both time and money. Using native plants, such as constructing a wildflower patch, will help and encourage a wide variety of species, no matter how small. Be sure to research any native plants that may be poisonous to both humans and domesticated animals. Creating an informal design that lends itself to being shared with pets and your family, as well as selecting hardy plants that can endure a little wear and tear, are all important considerations when landscaping with kids and furry companions in mind.

Pets (and children) can be determined to get where they want to go, regardless of whether there are any delicate flower beds in the way. Make walkways out of stones, soft straw, or pavers. Planting bushes and decorative grasses in large numbers can also help; most pets will navigate around rather than through such plantings.

Use Natural Pest Control

Use organic growth methods instead of chemicals, which are hazardous to the garden’s natural inhabitants, your children, and your pets. A sustainable garden avoids using chemicals in favor of natural pest control, companion planting when deciding on vegetable garden ideas, and sustainable fertilizer such as homemade compost and mulch. Many people are concerned about their dogs drinking liquid seaweed, which many gardeners use to keep their plants healthy but, in this case, research implies that there is no reason to be concerned.

Plant More Trees

Shade is an important aspect when planning your garden area. Cats and dogs, like people, want lots of cover and places to relax in the sun when the weather permits.

Trees are good for the environment and give color and shape to your garden. Choose a combination of species that are appropriate for the specific conditions of your back or front yard. Every tree planted is a boost to the ecosystem, collecting carbon dioxide and releasing the oxygen we need to live. Planting herbs like tansy and Pennyroyal (a type of mint) alongside shady pet hideaways will help keep fleas and other insects out of their territory, allowing them to relax.

Grow Your Own

Establishing a kitchen garden is not only enjoyable and fulfilling, but it will help reduce CO2 emissions and the generation of waste. Vegetables produced at home are frequently more nutrient-dense and pesticide-free. You can further reduce your food miles and improve your eco-friendly garden credentials by purchasing seeds from companies that gather seeds from organically cultivated crops.

With pets and toddlers in mind, it is a good idea to design a raised vegetable bed. A permanent enclosure like a picket fence can also work. You can plant dogbane (a plant with a strong odor dogs loathe) to discourage them from disturbing your vegetable garden beds.

It is a good idea to do some research to find out the answer to the question, ‘what can dogs not eat?’. Then avoid planting these in your garden. Garlic, chives, scallions, onions, leeks, and shallots are all members of the Allium family of plants. These plants contain thiosulfate, a phytochemical that is poisonous to dogs. For more information, you can check out Native Pet’s guide to give you a good idea of what is toxic for your fur baby.

Make Your Own Compost

Making your own compost is an easy method to help the environment while saving money on garden maintenance. It’s more natural than store-bought compost and a wonderful way to reduce landfill waste. Use all the decomposable scraps from your meals to feed your garden’s plants and flowers – from peas and beans to eggshells and banana skins, these undesired remnants are the elixir of life for your plants. Even pet waste should be composted. Just make sure it’s not in the same area as your veggie garden for family.

The good news is that creating a low-maintenance pet-friendly sustainable garden is easier than you might imagine!

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