Change Your Lifestyle by Following These 12 Eco-Friendly Tips

Did you know 77 percent of people want to learn how to live a sustainable life? If you’d like to learn some eco-friendly tips, we can help.

In this guide, we will go over eco-friendly living tips.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

eco-friendly tips to follow

1 Eat More Plant-Based Meals

Aim to cut back on your consumption of meat. This makes a significant impact on the environment.

A large portion of the Earth’s surface gets used to support and raise new livestock. Livestock generates a lot of CO2 and other harmful greenhouse gases.

Eat more seafood, or replace some of your meat dishes with plant-based protein.

2 Learn About Personal Products

Some personal products like makeup, deodorant, and toothpaste contain volatile organic compounds. Try to switch to eco-friendly alternatives, for example, plastic free deodorant. These alternatives are safer for your body and the planet.

3 Save Leftovers

A lot of people end up with leftovers after cooking. Try not to throw away the food. Instead, start freezing your leftovers in small containers. You can grab the container for a quick lunch or supper.

4 Read Labels

When you’re shopping for things like clothing or groceries, there are a ton of choices. Yet, there are some leaders in each industry.

If you like drinking coffee, try to find shade-grown coffee. Shade-grown coffee keeps the forest habitat intact for animals.

Look for Fair Trade certified goods. Support companies who pay laborers a fair wage and seek sustainable production. Try to buy organic food when possible. You will keep harmful pesticides out of your body.

5 Recycle More and Go Paperless

Today, people are reliant on digital technology and computers. You could start by tracking notes on your phone instead of using paper.

If it’s critical to use paper at your job, try recycling the paper you end up using.

Learn about other things you can recycle by checking out a recycling center.

6 Use Cloth or Reusable Bags

eco-friendly tips

Most stores sell canvas bags as an alternative to plastic or paper bags.

A canvas bag might cost a few dollars, but you can reuse them again and again. Canvas bags are way more sturdy compared to paper or plastic bags.

Reuse your canvas bag to pack items when moving or storing things. If you have kids, invest in a few canvas bags for when they head to college.

If you don’t use canvas bags, reuse your plastic ones. You could use your plastic bags in tiny garbage cans.

Recycle your used grocery bag. If you make these small changes in your home, you can make a difference.

7 Create a Compost Pile

eco-friendly tips

Compost bins have become popular in the last few years. Compost bins can help reduce waste.

You get to reuse things you would otherwise throw out. You will save money, and your plants will grow better in your gardens or home.

Don’t go and buy expensive compost. Instead, create your own with what you’re throwing out each week.

8 Use Cloth Instead of Paper

Do you use a lot of paper towels? Consider swapping your paper towel rolls for cloth. Cut up an old t-shirt or sweater to use as a rag for spring cleaning instead.

Save the planet and some money instead of throwing away paper towels. Collect all your rags and wash them at the same time. Keep a jar on your counter so it’s easy to grab a new rag when cleaning up.

9 Reduce Energy Use at Home

There are many different ways to cut back on energy use in your home. You’ll also end up with smaller energy bills.

Lower your thermostat in the winter. Unplug appliances you don’t use. Wash your clothing in cold water. Instead of a dryer, use a drying rack to dry your clothes after you finish the wash.

Reduce the energy around your home by turning things off or unplugging electronics. People often leave their phone chargers plugged in.

10 Try to Drive Less

Reduce your carbon footprint by driving less. Use public transit, carpool, walk, or bike.

Try to combine errands, so you don’t have to drive as much. Make a list of everything you need to do for the week, and see where you can combine items.

11 Borrow Items Instead of Buying New

People often buy things when they could borrow the item. Borrow books from the local library, rent movies, and buy second-hand items when you can.

When you buy pre-owned items, you will reduce the number of items that end up in a landfill. You’ll also save money.

Living a sustainable life doesn’t mean you have to settle for fewer quality items. A lot of the things people find in a thrift store are as good as the original.

Look online or at a local thrift shop.

12 Cut Back on Water Waste

Live a sustainable lifestyle by cutting back on bottled water, and use less water. Try to take a short shower in the morning. You could also install a low-flow showerhead.

The low-flow showerhead is worth it. You will see the difference in your next water bill.

To cut back on bottled water purchases, get a water filter. This way, you can drink filtered water at home. Pick up a few reusable water bottles, so you have water for a long trip.

Now You Have Some Eco-Friendly Tips

We hope this guide on living a sustainable lifestyle was helpful. Now that you know some eco-friendly tips, start changing your life.

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