Moving into a New Home? Check Out These Plumbing Features First!

Moving into a new house? This can be a hasty time for you as a lot is happening. But you should always make sure everything is in place and shape before you move in. You may have checked if the walls are in shape, the electric circuits, and other features. But what about the Plumbing? Drains, waterproofing, water well, and water quality – there is a lot to pay attention to. Because neither can we ever manage a day without water, nor should we come across bad water or leaks.

Watch out for these features when selecting your new home. If a house has these, go for it; and if it doesn’t, you can still incorporate some of these features easily.

Plumbing Features in your new home

So, here is the best checklist for your new home’s plumbing:

  1. First things first, Water quality: Enquire about the quality of water you get in the area. You can depend on neighbors and local plumbing services like BP Plumbing Ltd. in Cambridge who believes that people should be able to depend upon them to get clean, clear water. The water supply system of the area should be 24/7 up, reliable, and sharply billed. The water should also be free from limescale and toxic elements such as lead.
  2. Water Purification and Softener System: Even if you are sure about the quality of water, a purification and softener system is an investment for health. Water quality depends on so many variables, and a purification system can override each one of them.

Water flowing through the different pipes, faucets, and showerheads can deposit dirt in the pores in time. When a water purifier is at work 24/7, it both saves the quality of your drinking water and makes the faucets last longer.

Water softening ensures your soap lather all the time, to put it simply. Your morning shower is saved forever!

  1. Toilets: Check all the toilets, flushes, and flush tanks before you sign up for a house! Not only can this ensure they’re working well, but it can also tell you if the sewers are empty or not.

Make sure the toilet seats don’t slip and are not cracked. Having them changed is good too. It is always better to replace the seats someone else had used for a long while.

As for the toilet bowls themselves; it should be alright if they are generally clean. Make sure the base is sealed well, and not leaking.

  1. Sewer: It’s better if the main sewer is empty before you move in. If it is not, get a service to empty and check the condition of the sewer. Sump pump the whole system to be certain that the system has not got large clogs.

And this is not just a clever way to prevent future troubles; it is a wise way to make sure you’re not being dumped in a ditch.

  1. Water Pressure: No one wants a shower that does not shower water! Lack of water pressure can make showers and faucets to run sloppily. Residents of Toronto rarely need to file complaints regarding water pressure. Even if they have any issues in the long run, the local best plumbing services Toronto has, save their day by fixing it.

Ensure convenience in the future by checking the water pressure before you move in. The bonus of doing this is that you can also detect any clogs in the pipe later too.

  1. Water Heater & HVAC: Every house would have an HVAC system, but double-check the water heater if you want no bad surprises in the night!
  2. Meter and Valve functioning: Just as much as your water supply service is reliable, you should give the supply meters and valves a check too. They should be the latest models, well-functioning, and free of tampers.
  3. Sprinkler System: It is a great add-on to any house that has a yard. It helps manage the yard and with gardening. Also check for leaks, the condition of the sprinkler heads, and find the switches too. Even better if it is a state-of-the-art, smart system!
  4. Wells: If the house has a well instead of a septic tank, better get professional plumbing companies like Call The Plumbing Doctor to have a look at it. Most wells would do better and for longer as compared to tanks. This means that you will have to call in the cesspool cleaners less often.
  5. Last but not least: A good hand!

The most important aspect of moving into a new home is having a local plumbing service that knows the nooks and crannies of the plumbing! Ask the landlord and neighbors if there is someone nearby who has worked with expert plumbing companies before. This would be a great bonus.

Now that you’re prepared to move into your new home, consider hiring a plumbing service to meet all your needs. If you’re renting, talk to your renter about the modifications first. Even if the house plumbing meets your expectations, still hire a plumber to give the whole system a thorough check. It would also be nice to waterproof the system with expert help as you’re prepping the room and only depend upon an expert to install fixtures.

Also, consider deep cleaning the system before having your family come in. If you have toddlers, baby-proof the pipes and faucets before you bring them in.

Ask your plumber to show you how to de-clog the pipe bend below sinks, and what to do in case of sewer backup emergencies.

Keep these things in mind and you should be good to go! Happy Housewarming!

Read More:

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6 tips for buying your first home

7 things you should know to keep your drinking water safe

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