How To Rewild A Woodland Space: 8 Tips And Ideas

Rewilding is the process of letting nature reclaim an area that has been urbanised or pedestrianised in some manner. Rewilded patches are showing up all over urban developments and plain cities to attempt to nurture the earth and regain some essential greenery for wildlife, plant life, and human well-being too. More and more environmentalists, activists, and general citizens are taking up the challenge and rising to the occasion by purchasing land to repurpose, lobbying for segments in concentrated zones to become green again, and more. So if you are looking to jump on board and explore how to rewild, this guide has some handy tips and ideas to get you started.


Make a Plan

The first action will be to make a plan. Decide where you would like the area to be, how much time you have to dedicate to the project, and whether or not you have a budget at your disposal to offer up as collateral. There is nowhere to move without a plan as this is not a movement in that you can roll the dice and see what happens for every aspect of the process. Though it does demand a certain level of spontaneity and waiting around, the required format to start impacting positive change itself is fairly pragmatic.

Find the Perfect Space

Up next, you have to procure the perfect space for the rewilding to begin. When looking for woodland for sale, this guide from Arbtech is helpful in terms of telling you where to look and what to do at the various stages. Not everywhere is suitable for rewilding. A site where there was once a building, for example, will be more difficult and more costly to implement a successful strategy as opposed to local park land. Though some people may enjoy the challenge and have a reasonable enough budget to achieve the goal of something harder, starting small for a newbie is always preferable.

Spent Time at the Site

Get to know the site by spending as much time there as your schedule allows. This will enable you to observe wildlife, nature, and all the habits of the seasons on the ground and all around. If your intention is to fully let the earth reclaim its territory, then you have to understand what the best way to do this is going to be. You can only do that by gathering intel and observing all that happens. While you spend time and wait, natural processes may carry on and nature may do the job for you.

Play the Waiting Game

A long part of this process will be in the waiting, so it is better to start your mindful meditation before you get too deeply involved. There will be long patches, for example during peak springtime growing patches, where you just have to wait and see. Yet, part of the beauty is in the watching. Things have to have space and room to grow. Development and completion never happen overnight because this would be impossible to achieve without artificial input, which rather defies the point. As you wait for movements to be seen, you can simply sit back and observe the natural inclinations of the plot.

Use Wildlife Tactics

Let the whole agenda be led strongly by the wildlife in the area. Plant a few seeds and see what they do with them, metaphorical seeds that is. Because the core point of this exercise is to initiate safer practices and supportive environments for flora, fauna, and creatures great and small, it feels intuitive to allow them to guide it.

Keep Track of Progress

It is always handy to stay afloat with progress reports. Take pictures, write down changes of significance, and strive to be aware of as much as possible in your rewilded patch. Images are some of the best ways to predict and deliver changes because they are a visual representation of the starting point until the present. They can be used for comparison reporting and to develop a general scope of what may come next.

Maintain an Open Mind

Throughout this process, anything could happen. There may be lost species that make a viable comeback, or it might take years for anything to begin at all. When you put too much expectation on things, it will only be to your detriment. An open mind is one that can accept whatever is happening in front of it and be guided as such.

Introduce Lost Species

When the project moves further along, it may be time to introduce species into the area. Perhaps there was a group that once existed but had to move away because of external pressure. Let them back, and help them thrive. You could try introducing a wetland where one once existed to bring back pondlife or common birds that migrated away naturally with the depletion of vital resources. There is an abundance of opportunities in this area, such as sourcing trees that may have died out because of disease or felled for external purposes to bring back a squirrel species.

Involve the Local Communities

Get people involved from the local area because there is bound to be a sense of interest in that direction. People who live near areas up for rewilding can help you observe the zone, play an active part in providing support, and throw ideas into the ring for consideration too. It doesn’t have to be a solo project, and often collaboration moves in the most productive channels when the connection is a good one. Letting people know what you are doing or intending goes beyond basic considerations. It is time for more people to stand up and take part.

Rewilding is a noble thing. It protects creatures, natural resources, and plant life in all directions. It is easy to see why this whisper turns into a roar, and why people are subscribing to the practice all over the world. Letting natural beauty replenish is always beneficial for the earth, environment, and immediate community as well. There is an argument for reducing pollution and improving mental well-being. All of these points stand to reiterate the positive scope of rewilding.

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