How to Clean Your House Without Harmful Chemicals

According to cleaning experts, you don’t have to invest in weapons of mass disinfection to clean your house. Harsh cleansers are not only unnecessary but also raise concerns about our health and the environment. These cleansers are not superior to non-toxic or natural cleansers in any way. You can keep your home clean using natural inexpensive cleansers that safeguard your health and protect your environment.


Best Natural Cleaning Ingredients

You might think that switching to natural or homemade cleaning products is a lot of work. But, it’s very simple. Some of the best ingredients that will change how you clean your home include:

• Baking soda

• Lemons

• Natural salt

• Hydrogen peroxide

• Microfiber cloths

• Borax

• White vinegar

Tips for Cleaning Success using Natural Ingredients

I’ve learned how to clean my home using natural products through trial and error. You don’t have to go through this. Instead, you can learn through the tips that I am going to discuss. Let’s get started!


1. Switch to Hydrogen Peroxide or Vinegar

Chlorine bleach is one of the oldest and harshest cleaners in the market. Chlorine bleach kills germs instantly. However, it isn’t friendly to your skin especially when you splash on yourself accidentally. Most manufacturing companies include chlorine bleach in most cleaning products and laundry detergents. While chlorine is also popular for killing mold and mildew, hydrogen peroxide or vinegar also works like magic.

Since chlorine bleach is used frequently in most homes, it’s easy for children to accidentally swallow. Also, when mixed with ammonia – a common cleaning ingredient, the mixture releases toxic gases. Switching to hydrogen peroxide will not only maintain your health but also save your money in the long run.


2. Clean with Lemon

Lemon is not only a deodorizer but also a bleaching agent. You can use it to clean your electrical appliances like the fridge, microwave, and toaster to name a few. When polishing metal grills and chrome appliances, you can add some salt to the lemon juice.

Lemon juice can also be used to clean wooden cutting boards and to scrub surfaces in your kitchen and other rooms.

3. Use Vinegar to Disinfect your Home

Vinegar is a strong and natural disinfectant. You can use it to descale items with mineral buildup caused by water. Vinegar can be used to clean tiles, glass, toilet, sinks, and mirrors. You can also clean your cups and mugs with vinegar to remove stains.

4. Invest in Microfiber Cloths and Mops

Instead of using expensive harsh chemicals and rough towels that don’t trap dust, consider investing in microfiber cloths and mops. Microfiber cloths and mops are not only soft but also trap dust and other particles that settle on surfaces and the floor. Use them to wipe down photographs, surfaces, and decorations for a clean and shiny result.


5. Go for Non-toxic Soaps

Most surfaces at home can be cleaned using soap and water. Using a non-toxic soap enables you to clean lots of items in your house without worrying about harshness. Most natural soaps contain animal fats or vegetable oil. Also, look for words like “non-toxic” on the label when you are shopping.

6. Degrease Using Vinegar

Vinegar is an acid that removes and eliminates grease. It also prevents the growth of mold on surfaces. All you need to do is spray it on your surfaces or tabletops and wipe them down with a clean microfiber towel. If you’re going to use vinegar, you should not mix it with baking soda as it will bubble and create a bigger mess. After using your oven, spray vinegar on the mess and while it’s hot. Once the appliance has cooled down, use a towel to scrub the mess.

7. Use Borax to Wash your Clothes

When washing your clothes, add a bit of Borax. Borax is a strong cleaning agent that is commonly used as a laundry detergent. Keep in mind that Borax is toxic when ingested. Therefore, it should be kept away from kids and pets.

8. Use Tea Tree Oil to Disinfect

Tea tree oil is not only cheap but also a less harsh disinfectant than most commonly used sprays and wipes such as Lysol and Clorox. You can use tea tree oil to clean your sinks, kitchen surfaces, light switches and door handles. Tea tree oil is toxic when ingested. Therefore, you should store it away from pets and kids.

9. Freshen your Furniture and Mattresses with Baking Soda

To freshen your sofa and mattresses, put baking soda into a jar with holes on the lid or a cheese shaker and add a few drops of essential oil such as lavender or tea tree oil. Sprinkle the mixture on your mattress and leave it for an hour before vacuuming.


10. Cleaning the Toilets

One great thing about toilet cleaners is how they are designed to get under the rim of the bowl. You can achieve the same by putting into a spray bottle with the nozzle set to stream. Spray the vinegar under the rim and scrub the bowl with your toilet brush and flush.

11. Cleaning the Drains

You can eliminate the stinky smell of drains by sprinkling some baking soda followed by a few cups of warm vinegar. You can do the same on your kettle and microwave.


Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be complicated. Natural products are usually cheap and safe to use in most areas at home. Therefore, it’s best to avoid harsh cleaning products at all costs.

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