How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for Your Home?

Are you tired of being charged exorbitant electricity bills each month?

You’re tired of the local power companies raising their rates to become profitable. You’re also tired of the emissions your bill contributes to the degradation of our planet’s well-being.

Instead, you’re interested in going solar yourself. You want to own your little slice of the sun. You want to take full advantage of solar energy without paying any more money to a third party.

The only question: how many solar panels do you need for your home? Keep reading below to find out.


Size of Your Roof

The size of your roof is the biggest factor in determining how many solar panels you need for your home, says B&R Property Management. If your roof is large enough to accommodate a larger number of panels, you can get more electric power out of each solar panel array. On average, it is recommended to install one watt of solar panel capacity per square foot of your roof that is in direct sunlight.

If your roof is large enough, you may want to install multiple arrays of solar panels to increase the total capacity. If a large portion of the roof is shaded, you may need to install fewer solar panels or install more powerful ones.

Get an accurate estimate of the size of your roof and the amount of solar power you need before you decide on the number of solar panels.

Energy You Want to Generate

Calculating your home’s electricity consumption typically gives you a guideline for the size of the system you’ll need to produce enough energy for your needs. To calculate an accurate number for your home, you would need to start by estimating your average energy use over 12 months. Once you have an estimated usage, you can then compare this to available solar panel wattage, but if you’d like a more accurate estimate you can use a solar panel calculator.

It may take anywhere from four to six solar panels to satisfy your energy requirements. Many professionals recommend opting for an oversized system, as it allows you to produce extra energy that can be sold back to the grid as a way to lower your electricity bill.

The Efficiency of the Panels

Most solar panel arrays have an average efficiency range from 16-20%; a larger array with more panels usually has a higher efficiency rating. Therefore, those wanting a higher energy output for their homes would need to install more solar panels. Typically, 1kw of power is produced for every 100 square feet of solar panel.

By taking the total wattage needed, and dividing it by the wattage produced per square foot, a homeowner can get an estimate of the number of panels needed to power the home.

Type of Solar Panel

The type of solar panel you choose will affect how many you need for your home. Monocrystalline silicon panels are the most efficient, but they also come with the highest cost and take up the least amount of space.

Polycrystalline panels are slightly less efficient but are more cost-effective. Thin-film solar panels are the least efficient but are the most affordable and take up the most space.

Determining Your Home Size and Roof Space Availability

The size of your home will determine how much energy you need to produce to power all of your electronics and appliances, while the amount of roof space will determine just how many solar panels you can fit. On average, the number of solar panels needed to power a 2,500 sqm home ranges from 28-32 panels.

See here to consult with a professional to assess the amount of energy required and the amount of roof space available.

Environmental Factors That Impact Home Solar Panel Installation

You need to consider a variety of environmental factors when going solar. These include climate, available sunlight, the local weather and terrain, and the size and orientation of the house, among others.


In climates that receive more sunshine and warmth, you will need fewer panels for the same energy output. In colder climates, more panels are necessary as the efficiency of a solar panel decreases with lower temperatures. Also, if you have a larger home, then more panels will be necessary to power everything.

Calculate the energy consumption of your home and the climate you live in when determining the number of solar panels necessary.

Investing in solar panels is an important step toward mitigating the effects of global climate change. Installing solar panels helps to reduce your carbon footprint and create a more sustainable energy source.

Available Sunlight

When there is less sunlight, you will produce less energy, thus requiring more panels to generate the desired amount of electricity. Solar panels work best in areas that receive direct sunlight, with an angle of at least 20-30 degrees. Shading can reduce the efficiency of the system, so choose an area with minimal shading, such as on a south-facing roof.

More powerful solar panels will make up for any losses from sunlight. Ultimately, the optimal number of solar panels needed for your home will depend on the amount of energy you require, along with the amount of sunlight in your area.

Local Weather and Terrain

Local weather and terrain play an important part in determining how many solar panels your home needs. Solar panel efficiency is based on how much of the available light gets converted into electricity. If it’s overly sunny or hot, the solar panels will capture more energy and thus use fewer solar panels.

Likewise, if it’s cloudy, more solar panels will be necessary to generate the same amount of energy. Terrain can also be a factor in helping you decide how many panels you’ll need. If your home is on a hill or in an area with a lot of shade or overhangs, you will need more solar panels compared to areas without obstructions.

Know How Many Solar Panels You Need for Your Home

To sum up, when considering the size of your home and the amount of energy you typically use, the number of solar panels you will need will vary.

Taking the time to research before deciding is key. If you need more guidance in discovering the right number of solar panels, contact your local solar energy company for assistance.

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