How Can You Turn Your Backyard into a Dreamy Garden?

Beneath the azure blue skies, somewhere in a city, stands a house. The house has a backyard. The backyard lies barren – in utter negligence. It aspires to be a dreamy garden someday. Inside the house and under the roof lives a human – long lost in the monotony of life. What if that human is you?

You have grown up fancying a big house and an even bigger garden. And yet, here you stand, staring at the empty piece of land in your backyard.

woman in dreamy garden

The Beginning

You realize it’s high time to paint your backyard in the vivid shades of green. While the process demands persistent efforts and patience, the outcome is inexplicably overwhelming.

More often than not, several questions stand in the way of building a dreamy garden. And those questions lead you to browse the web for answers.

Steps to Start Your Garden

1. Deciding What to Plant

Without a doubt, the planet has no inadequacy of the species of flora on its face.

When building a garden, you ought to decide on the kind of plants and trees that you wish to tend. The land can take the form of a vegetable farm, floral setup, an orchard or a herb garden depending on the choice of plants and trees, and of course your personal vision and needs. You can either visit your nearby store or skim through catalogs for making your picks.

Tip: Certain considerations to be kept in mind while making a choice are climate, location, maturity period, and quality of soil.

2. Planning the Layout

Imagine yourself strolling through a walkway surrounded by floral bushes and trees on both sides – could there possibly be an any better end to a day?

An ideal garden comprises of several organized elements beyond the greenery. From being illuminated with lights to being adorned with elegant fencing, you can custom design your backyard garden to include all you want.

Tip: The layout must not, in any way, appear cluttered. All the plants and trees need a fair share of breathing space to grow.

There must be an established balance between the lawn space and the planting area.

3. Gardening Equipment

After planning the layout, you are just a step away from getting your hands dirty. A little investment in your garden can go a long way to enhance its beauty. Garden spade, shovel, hose, rake, hoe, extension cord, water can, brush cutter, etc are a few tools, to begin with. An extension cord can help you extend the range of brush cutter by a few meters.

Tip: You can periodically make compost yourself by digging up a compost pit in one corner of the garden.

4. Get Your Hands into the Soil

The next step is the preparation of soil to receive the plants and saplings.

Firstly, make use of a spade to remove the unwanted grass present. Hence, put the grass in the compost pit for decomposition.

The nature of the soil may be acidic or alkaline. Accordingly, the next step is to use organic matter and compost to bring it to an ideal condition.

Before planting the seeds, the soil demands a little exercise of tilling and digging (use a spade).

Tip:  Make sure that the soil is in a simultaneous moist and dry state when the digging is done.

5. The Field is Ready

The soil is now ready to bury the seeds and saplings in its embrace.

Carefully place the seeds into the soil by digging up holes at a considerable distance from each other. Blanket the holes with layers of soil.

Gently dab the soil and add water to it.

Tip: Do not overwater the soil.

6. A long Period of Patience and Pampering

The saying “As you sow, so shall you reap” fits in here quite literally. The sown seeds and soil need regular care and maintenance. Watering, composting and weeding of the garden is a must. Weeds are persistent and seem to never go away, make sure to get the best weed removal tool as you can to save your time and ease your work.

Elements to Add in Your Garden

1. Colorful Flower beds

The flower beds must offer a beautiful contrast of bright colors to constantly raise your spirits. The choice of plants should be accordingly made. Understanding seasonal blooming – when and how each plants blooms – will let you having blooms at different year seasons up to almost winter time.

2. Walkway

A walkway across the lengths of the garden would offer a place for an evening stroll. It can be a cemented path or made out of paving stones. Let your imagination think.

3. Lighting

A tinge of the dim lighting in your backyard can make your night time experience in the garden surreal. Lanterns, string lights, fairy lights, floor lights and spotlights flickering in your garden settling on the surface of flower petals, can grip you in an entrancing vision of dreamy garden.

4. Bird House, Feeding Table or Bird Feeder

If you often engage in birdwatching, having a birdhouse or a feeding table could prove helpful.

Remember to fill it with millets and seeds to attract birds.

5. Hammock

Swinging under the shade of dancing tree leaves, a hammock is perfect for an afternoon nap or just sitting in and reading a book.

You can set hammock up on your own or buy it from the shops. If you travel, bring a hammock from a foreign country.

6. Fencing

Placing decorative fence panels in the garden would give it a more refined look.

Rule of thumb – most gardens do contain a fence. Check out for fence design and style inspiration perfect for your garden.

7. Fireplace

Early winter mornings and late winter evenings spent outside in your garden can be heart-warming in the presence of a fireplace or a chiminea from

8. Seating

Though the grass is welcoming enough, your garden must have a relaxed chair or mattress placed near the fireplace.

Visualize yourself lying on the mattress with the infinite skies before your eyes.

Now you know exactly why you need a mattress. You can also consider putting shade structures as they can add beauty and functionality to your open area.

9. Tent

Haven’t you always wanted to camp in a tent by the fire in the middle of a forest?

Well, camping in a forest might not be hassle-free.

A tent put up in your backyard by the fire underneath the stars and moonlight and every night can be a camp night.

10. Tool Shed/ Cupboard

A well-organized garden needs maintenance. Maintenance needs tools and equipment. Try to accommodate a tool storage shed in a little corner of the garden for keeping the hoe, rake, extension cord, etc.

You can also hang pots with plants, build a water structure, put up wind chimes and a ladder to the roof.

As the garden grows, you can keep on adding elements to it. Eventually, it will become a dreamy garden you always fancied.

The Outcome After a Leap of Time

After weeks of labor, now hold your breath and wander into your very own la-la-land. Let your forever fantasies unravel themselves.

While tinker bell flutters around in her animated fairy garden, steal a few moments from your life, basking around in your backyard bloom.

After all, it is only away from monotony, and close to the wonders of nature that the fluttering wings of your soul find a flight in dreamy garden.

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