Have You Bitten Off More Than You Can Chew With These New Home Teething Issues?

Whether you’re staying local or starting fresh in a brand new city, moving house can be incredibly exciting. Unfortunately, as you’ll know if you’ve done it before, moving can also get pretty stressful at points.

This is especially true if you become aware of issues that you didn’t spot before once you’re living in your new house. Luckily, you can negate some of these unexpected teething issues by simply investing in a survey before moving day. However, certain things will always slip through the net and you’ll need to address them if you want to protect your home. The question is, have you bitten off more than you can chew if the following things crop up after you’ve moved?

family moving into a new home

1 Appliance Malfunctions

Appliance malfunctions are one of the most common setbacks homeowners face shortly after a move. This can be just as true in an older property where appliances may have gone unused for some time as it is in a new property where new appliances have yet to be fired up.

In the latter instance, the developer should fix the issue. By comparison, breakdowns in an older property are probably well out of warranty, but don’t assume the worst. It’s possible your appliances simply need a service, so contact a professional to take a proper look, and potentially install replacements if necessary.

2 Rodent Infestation

No one wants to move into a rodent-infested house, but it does happen in some cases. This is a particular risk  if a property is empty before you move in, as rodents love uninhabited spaces where they can build their nests. Signs to look out for include visible droppings, scratching in your walls, or other damage such as chewed cabinets and nesting materials. 

The sad reality is that rodent infestation is never a good problem to have after moving in, because rodents often return to the same spot. It can also be incredibly difficult to defend your home if rodents have created various in-points. However, contacting an exterminator as soon as you notice a problem can help to address this and allows you to put preventative measures in place. It may also be useful to invest in a full house clean to remove scent trails and ensure proper hygiene before you unpack your belongings!

3 Unexpected Leaks

You likely didn’t turn on all the taps in the house during your viewing, but many homeowners also experience setbacks like unexpected leaking pipes during, say, their first new home shower. Again, your warranty should cover this in a brand-new property, so be sure to keep your paperwork on hand. 

In an older property, it can pay to get a plumbing survey as soon as possible. This will ensure you can quickly identify and repair issues like a burst pipe before testing things out. That way, you can avoid notable water damage and a whole world of stress that would inevitably follow. 

Moving into a new home is always fun, but make sure you’re able to fully enjoy the process by understanding the best ways to deal with teething issues like these.

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