A Detailed Moving Guide

Moving is a tough toil. Packing for the move needs good organization. Hiring movers makes the work easier. Here are some tips to make the moving plan effortless.

Floor Plan

While packing have the floor plan of the new home in mind. This helps to get things adjusted in right place.

moving out


It is essential to declutter the load well in advance. Do not carry unnecessary things to the new home. Get rid of the unused things. Move only those items that are used regularly.

Notify people

Tell the neighbours about the move. Also notify post office about the moving. And provide them with the new address.

Pre – Packing

Save time by pre – packing. Pack the valuables like silver, electronics and jewelry first. Label them so that they reach the destination safely.

Tips on moving with kids

Tell them about the move in advance. Prepare them. They might be hesitant to leave their friends. Convince them. Involve them in the shifting process. Do not bring up last minute surprises to them about the moving.

Unpacking tips

First organize the cartons room – wise. Start a room at a time. Finish it and move on to the next. First and foremost, set up the furniture before unpacking the other boxes. Clean the entire new home before starting. Unpacking is extremely exhausting. Do not hesitate to ask help.

Residential moving tips

Prepare a budget. Hire a moving company within the preset budget. Change the address at all relevant places. Sell or donate unwanted goods. Pay extra care while packing fragile goods.

Fragile item packing

Use packing paper, brown paper tape, cushioning material and bubble wrap to pack fragile items. Always label the boxes carrying fragile items. Leave at least an inch space in the top. This is because, a heavier box placed above the tightly packed fragile goods can crack the items.

Tips on choosing a moving company

Make a thorough research. Ask for a quotation. Check if they provide moving insurance. Insist to sign a contract. And read the contract very carefully.

Why should you hire a moving company?

They help in stress – free moving. Hiring them is cost effective. Because the time invested by them is less. On the other hand, the loss of pay (due to the leaves in the office) encountered in the process of moving is high. They provide hassle – free moving. Also, moving through them is less dangerous.

How to save money while moving?

Plan in advance. Pack yourself. Because packing is the biggest investment as compared to moving. Both in terms of time and money.

The Night Before the move

Label the boxes properly. Disconnect the electrical appliances. Defrost the refrigerator. Keep the doors of washing machine open. Pack a snack bag. Take cash in hand. Make required arrangements for pet transport.

Packing tips

Sort the load. Make an assessment of the current living place. Create an inventory. List out the large items first. Take out the available packing materials. Find out what needs to be bought in addition.

How to pack and move air conditioners?

First unplug and drain it. Leave it to dry for a day. Hire an electrician. The air conditioner units are heavy. It requires professional knowledge to shift air conditioners. After removing the AC unit seal the open part with a cardboard or thick fabric. Pack the unit with proper cushion and Therma Chol.

Plants moving tips

Always move plants during favorable seasons. Remove dead leaves before moving. This ensures safety and avoids damages. Carry the cutting alone if the plant is capable of growing from the cutting. Cover leaves and branches with paper or foil. If possible, place the plants in a box. Keep the plants away from direct sunlight while moving in summer.

Read More:

The Importance of getting professional movers to help you

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