When to Stop Using Baby Monitors: Tips for New Parents

Contrary to popular opinion, there is no specific rule for parents to stop using the baby monitor. Some may need it until their little ones are two years old, and others may find it useful until their youngsters are well above four years old.

Then, there’s the baby boomer generation, which didn’t make use of the baby monitor at all but ended up being fine.

Today, we’ll cover a few important things about the baby monitor, including when to stop using it and how it impacts babies of different ages. In this way, you’ll know when to take full advantage of the device and when to set it aside for storage.

baby monitor
Source: Pinterest

How the Baby Monitor Affects Babies of Different Ages

How much parents benefit from the schlafcoaching baby frankfurt monitor depends on their babies’ age. Let’s take a look at how this device can help with a child less than six months of age, more than six months of age, and around two years of age.

1. Child Under Six Months

For parents with children under six months, a baby monitor will mostly function for child safety. This is especially the case when your little one has a separate room.

There are a lot of parents who don’t have their babies sleep in their room. If you happen to be following this arrangement, fire up your monitor to ensure that your baby is sleeping safely and comfortably even while away from you.

2. Child Above Six Months

Generally, after the six-month mark, babies will start sleeping the entire night without waking up in between their sleep. Also, if they do awaken in the middle of the night, their call for help should be loud enough to get your attention.

In cases when you can hear your child’s cries from their bedroom, you may opt to stop using the baby monitor. This is also true if your little one is the type to sleep through the night on most days. If these two conditions aren’t satisfied over the course of at least two weeks, then make sure to keep using your monitor.

3. Children of Toddler Age

If your youngster is old enough to use a bed, that could be an indication to set aside the baby monitor. By toddler age, your child will be “grown-up” enough to come to your room if he or she has trouble sleeping.

Reasons to Do Away With the Baby Monitor

Using a baby monitor on a healthy child above 15 months probably isn’t necessary. Here are some of the main reasons you need to ditch the monitor once your little one reaches this age.

baby monitor
Source: Pinterest

1. Not All Noises Are Worth Losing Sleep Over

Babies make all sorts of noises in their sleep. They can make snorting, breathing, wheezing, coughing, and hiccuping sounds that may lead parents to check up on them. In reality, though, these aren’t noises that you have to worry about in a healthy baby beyond six months.

By this point, crying is the only sound that needs your attention. Even then, it could still be normal. Still, if you hear a “crying” sound or something that resembles it, it’s always worth checking up on your little one.

Rushing to your youngster’s room because of any kind of noise can backfire and wake your child up from what was supposed to have been a peaceful sleep. In cases like these, the video baby monitor should come in handy. Check out this review on one of the best-rated video baby monitors in the market today.

2. Your Child Sleeps in or Close to Your Room

There’s obviously no point in employing a baby monitor if your child’s crib or sleeping area is right next to your bed. The same goes if the little one’s nursery is close enough to your room that you’d be able to hear his or her cries through the wall easily.

3. When You Start Getting Anxious

Some parents become obsessed with every sound emitted by their monitors. At the same time, they worry their device is not working if no sounds come out.

If parents aren’t careful, their reliance on monitors can lead to a level of anxiety that ruins their sleep cycle and causes them to become light sleepers. As a result, they feel tired all the time and may even fall into depression.

If you see this happening to you, it may be time to start putting your trust in your little one’s noise-making abilities.

When Should You Stop Using Your Baby Monitor?

Generally, once your child is able to sleep through the entire night, there’s little use for a baby monitor. This usually happens at around six months, by which point your child should be able to make noises that are loud enough to wake you up from slumber.

Of course, this doesn’t mean your monitor will be completely useless, either. You may still find it necessary for when your little one is sick and you need to be alerted regularly to the noises he or she makes.

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