Have you had to maintain a few meters from someone because of the stench oozing as they speak? That’s what it’s like to have bad breath.
What Is a Bad Breath?
Another name for this term is “Halitosis.” It’s an oral problem with the most obvious symptom of obnoxious breath. A lot of factors contribute to the issue, which includes hygiene patterns, lifestyles, etc. When it comes to prevention or treatment, identifying the cause is critical.
Causes of Bad Breath
Like every other health challenge, halitosis can be pinpointed to certain factors. Here are some.
● Meal Choices and Remnants
When you eat, particles from your meals hang around your teeth. This promotes bacterial actions at these sites, resulting in a foul smell. Also, food spices like garlic and onions with pungent smells are absorbed into the blood and passed to the lungs for exhalation.
Tobacco products, aside from the legion of other detrimental health difficulties they cause, also contribute to halitosis.
● Poor Dental Habits
If you fall short with your dental practices, you risk bad breath. Regular brushing and flossing cleanse your teeth, gums, and tongue of every substance that attracts microorganisms.
● Underlying Health Conditions
Periodontal disease can be the sole reason for your foul breathing and horrible tasting. This is the aftermath of amassed plaque around your teeth. If left untreated, it enhances the irritation of your gums by bacteria toxins.
Other health issues may include cavities, chronic bronchitis, gastrointestinal disorder, postnasal drip, and oral candidiasis.
● Dry Mouth
Dry mouth or Xerostomia is when there is a significant decrease in saliva secretion. This hinders the self-cleansing action of the mouth, causing it to harbor different food debris. It can be treated using specific medications to stimulate the salivary ground.
Bad Breath Indicators
The extent of smell for mouth odors varies in different persons. It is difficult to determine it by oneself without being biased. While mouth odor occurs in some individuals naturally, others have none. The best way to know whether or not you have it is to consult a second party. This can be your dentist or a close friend/relative to avoid discrimination.
As for your dentist st Leonards, they put you through some tests to confirm if indeed you’re battling the oral issue. In case they suspect anything wrong, they can as well prescribe or refer you for treatments.
Prevention Tips
If you desire to know how to overcome halitosis, here are a few practices you should adopt.
- Brush and floss your teeth a minimum of two times daily. Replace your toothbrush every three months.
- Quit smoking and the use of other tobacco products.
- Take less sugary food and more carbohydrates relative to protein diets.
- Clean your dentures frequently before reinserting them in your mouth.
- While brushing, focus on the roof of your mouth and cheeks. Likewise, scrap your tongue to rid it of bacteria.
- Take healthy food, especially those that help salivation.
Before buying any oral sprays or tablets, consult your dentist. In the same vein, prioritize constant visits to a nearby dental clinic. If you’re looking for one, you can visit this dentist who does veneers, implants, and quality Invisalign in Farmington.
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