Stop Suffering in Silence Due to Dry Eyes! Here are Things You Could Do

Dry eyes are a cause of stress in many people. The condition can lead to blurry vision, irritation, and even sometimes, pain. If you’re one of the unlucky ones with dry eye syndrome, you know it can twist your life upside down. And while there’s not always a quick fix for this issue (though there are some quick fixes), you can take comfort in knowing that there are things you could do to put the symptoms at ease.

Identify and Treat the Cause

While dry eyes are a common issue, there can be various reasons that you’re experiencing this pain and discomfort. Studies have shown that dry eye syndrome can be caused by the factors below.

Reduced moisture production from tissues lining your eyes

Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for this one- you have to wait until your body naturally produces more tears on its own. In the meantime, try using artificial tears to help reduce symptoms.

dry eyes

Eye Infection

Dry eyes may result from an infection, which can be caused by various bacteria that lurk in your eyelid creases. The most likely culprit is conjunctivochalasis or Mechanical dry eyes. This condition occurs when the thin tissue on the inner part of your eyelid becomes thicker, causing that tissue to press against your eye and starve it of moisture.

An eye doctor can diagnose your dry eyes by using a specialized instrument to detect changes in the eyelid’s surface. This condition is often treated with eye drops, though contact lenses may provide better relief. Using artificial tears or placing warm compresses on your eyes can also help relieve symptoms.

Sjogren’s Syndrome

This genetic condition can cause chronic dry eye, but there are other apparent symptoms too. If you experience joint pain, runny nose, and fatigue, then you should talk to your doctor about the possibility of Sjogren’s, as it is a severe disease.

Using Artificial Tears Incorrectly or Rarely

According to Village Vision Center, the artificial tears you’re using to help your dry eyes are supposed to be applied frequently, but many people find they don’t work very well for them. As a result, they end up not using them often enough. If you’re experiencing dry eyes and can’t help but misuse artificial tears (or not use them at all), then try using the drops more frequently, and also ask your doctor or pharmacist if there’s something else that might be helpful for you.

New Contact Lens or Recent Eye Surgery

When you use new contact lenses or have just had eye surgery, your eyes can be temporarily more vulnerable to dry eye syndrome. If this is the case for you, give it some time. Your body should adapt to having these objects in your eyes, and things should return to normal before too long.

If you’re experiencing dry eyes after using certain medications, it’s essential to discuss the problem with your doctor to see any additional adjustments you can make.

Dry Eye Management Tips

If you’ve been diagnosed with dry eyes and you’re struggling to get your symptoms under control, it’s likely because of one of the above reasons. However, other factors may contribute too. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you identify other causes that could put your eyes at risk for dryness, and they’ll also guide you on how to remove these triggers from your life.

While you’re waiting for your body to produce more tears naturally, there are several other things you can do to help manage your dry eyes.

Close Eyelids Fully to Blink

Blinking is one of the best ways to spread your tears over the surface of your eyes and protect them from irritation, especially if you have dry eye syndrome. So, try your best always to close your eyes fully when you’re not blinking.

Don’t Rub Your Eyes

The rubbing of your eyes can cause pain, dryness, irritation, or other symptoms, especially if you have dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome gives you the urge to rub your eyes constantly. The friction can wear down the protective oils on your eyelids and cause dryness. So, if your eyes are feeling dry, it may help to keep them open wide and blink more often instead of rubbing.

Try Artificial Lids

For people with dry eye syndrome who are experiencing the worst of the symptoms but aren’t ready or aren’t able to wear contact lenses, there’s another option – artificial lids. These lids work by providing smooth contact over your eyelid. Without this pressure, you can suffer from pain and loss of vision.

Protect Your Eyes

Finally, you can take steps to protect your eyes from further irritation and dryness. One crucial step you should take is to keep the air clean around your face. While we can’t control all the environmental factors that contribute to dryness, you can at least minimize how much dust or smoke gets into your eye area by wearing a protective mask when you’re outside or through a new change of clothes, etc.

Besides making sure your environment is as clean as possible, it’s also important to know that you can save yourself and your eyes from further harm and dryness with regular follow-up appointments with your doctor. If you’re experiencing dry eyes with little relief in sight, ask your doctor if you should return for additional testing. With the proper treatment, you can significantly reduce your dry eye symptoms and get back to living with healthy, functioning eyes.

Dry eye syndrome is becoming more prevalent as stress levels rise, computer use increases, or current health conditions worsen. The above tips are just a partial listing of what you can do to keep your eyes moist with natural tears and free from painful irritation. The best thing is to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor to discover mechanical dry eye and get recommendations on the most suitable treatments. They may recommend something like a Prokera cryopreserved amniotic membrane to moderate dry eyes and promote healing.

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