Easy Bedtime Routine Tips for Busy Women

Not everyone has the time to spend hours preparing for bed, and as someone who’s busy with their job, family, and kids, it’s not always easy to keep a bedtime routine and stick to it. On the other hand, you can’t just go to sleep with a full face of makeup on, can you?

When you don’t have all the time in the world for half-hour warm water baths and to make yourself chamomile tea every night before bed, you can develop and maintain some basic habits that will help you sleep better at night.

If you want to know what simple and time-saving bedtime habits you should have, keep reading!

bedtime routine

Save Time by Investing Right

We’re not talking about investing in dividends, but we’re talking about investing in the right bed. Your inability to relax and unwind in bed after a long day might not just be about you, but more about the mattress you sleep on.

In their article about the best memory foam mattress and beds in a box, Forbes.com says “ordering a top-quality mattress online is easier than ever: It’s guaranteed to be efficiently delivered to your home in a neatly compressed package, and its comfort can rival luxury beds found in a five-star hotel.” The wrong mattress, however, will have you sleeping fitfully and waking up with backaches or neck pain.

Don’t Forget Your Teeth

This isn’t something that would save you a lot of time, but something that you might want to overlook when you’re tired and sleepy. Make sure you brush your teeth and take care of your mouth every night before bedtime, because failing to do so can have serious long-term consequences.

This expert dentist in Madison Heights MI also highly recommends flossing before hitting the sack. This will ensure that the gaps between your teeth are clean too.

From developing bad breath, cavities, and toothaches, to yellowing of teeth, there’s no end to the horrors of bad oral hygiene. No matter how sleepy you are, don’t skip out on it!

Avoid Naps!

The idea of a quick wink in the middle of a hectic day is more than tempting, but consider what it’ll do to you when you’re ready for bed at night. Napping during the day is a great idea sometimes, but only when you’re careful and picky about it.

Avoid any long naps, especially later in the day. Not only will they hurt your productivity but they’ll also ruin your sleep at night, putting your whole sleep schedule off kilter.

Managing a healthy sleep routine along with a busy and hectic life can be difficult at times, but it’s not impossible. By following the steps listed above and being mindful of how your habits affect your sleep schedule, you can be a healthy sleeper too.

skincare and bedtime routine

Bedtime Skincare

Taking care of your skin can sometimes take a backseat when you have a thousand other, seemingly more important things to take care of. If you’re struggling with taking the time out to take care of your skin properly, start doing it before bed.

First, simplify your skincare routine. You don’t need ten-step skincare routines, so narrow it down to just a few essential steps. On normal days, just remove your makeup with Vaseline, wet wipes, or micellar water, and then put on some moisturizer before bed.

Once or twice a week, put on some overnight skincare masks that hydrate and cleanse your skin throughout the night. This way you’ll be waking up with great skin without spending hours on it.

Take Care of Your Morning Tasks

There are always some parts of our mornings that have us hesitating to wake up. If that’s you, consider getting them done at night. If there’s some paperwork to deal with that you’re dreading, do it right now. Finish doing the dishes so you don’t have to wake up to a dirty kitchen in the morning when you want breakfast, and pick out your outfits for the day.

All these things will help you get a head start on your day the next morning, and help you avoid getting late or feeling too stressed.

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