5 Ways to Take CBD

Whether you’re new to cannabinoids or you’ve been taking it for months, you might wonder about the best ways to use it. Maybe you’re not very keen on swallowing pills, or you don’t like the taste of it – which has put you off trying it more than once. The good news is that there are plenty of different ways to take CBD, and there is sure to be one that’s right for you.

ways to take CBD

1 Taking Cannabidiol as a Tincture

One of the most common ways to take cannabidiol is as a tincture, usually sublingually, which means under the tongue. By putting the it under your tongue, rather than simply swallowing it, you absorb it more quickly into your bloodstream. This means you should feel the effects after about 15 minutes.

Another key advantage of taking cannabidiol as a tincture is that this is a very common method, so it’s easy to find cannabidiol  in this form.

The drawback is that some people find they dislike the taste of CBD. If that’s the case for you, then you’ll likely want to try a different method to take it.

2 Taking CBD As a Capsule

Another common, and very simple, way to take CBD is to swallow it in capsule form. This has the big advantage that you know you’re always getting the exact same dose each time, without needing to do any fiddly measuring.

However, if you find it tricky to swallow capsules, this method of taking it won’t be the best option for you. Plus, it takes longer for your body to absorb cannabidiol through a capsule versus taking it as a tincture.

3 Taking Cannabidiol in a Drink

If you don’t like capsules but also don’t like the taste of CBD, you may want to try water soluble CBD. Taking in this way means that more of the compound gets into your system, so you can use a lower dosage. It also works quite quickly.

You can easily mix water-soluble cannabidiol into a drink, whether that’s your morning coffee, your workout energy drink, or a lunchtime smoothie.

4 Taking as a Topical Ointment or Cream

Another way to take CBD is to use it as a topical ointment or cream. This is particularly effective if you have localized pain, such as arthritic pain. It can also help to relieve the inflammation caused by acne.

The main drawback with this method is that cannabidiol topicals have a low bioavailability. Simply put, your skin isn’t great at absorbing it, so it’s not going to get into your bloodstream. This means that topical ointments and creams are best used when you only want the effects of CBD on that specific area of your body.

5 Taking CBD in the Form of Gummies

Did you know that you can get CBD gummies? If you loved gummies as a kid, this can be a great way to take cannabidiol.

Like capsules, gummies are a set size, so you know you’re getting the same dose of it each time. Plus, they’re easily portable and easy to chew and swallow.

Of course, if you do opt for cannabidiol in this form, it’s particularly crucial to keep it locked out of the reach of any children in your house. Otherwise, they might mistake it for a tasty treat.

Even More Unusual Ways to Take CBD

All the options we’ve covered so far are very common and easy to get started with. However, there are also some more unusual ways to take CBD. These include CBD makeup and even CBD suppositories.

Another option is to try inhaling CBD. This means the CBD gets into your bloodstream faster.

For an extra boost of relaxation and skin nourishment, consider using CBD bath bombs. These bath bombs infuse your bath water with CBD, allowing your entire body to soak in the benefits while you unwind.

Is CBD Equally Effective However You Take It?

How you take CBD affects how much of it your body can absorb, and how quickly it does so. For instance, taking cannabidiol as a tincture gets it into your bloodstream much more quickly than taking it as a capsule.

There’s no one “right” way to take cannabidiol, however. You want to think about your needs: do you want the substance to take effect quickly, and wear off quickly, or do you want a longer lasting effect? You may even want to try multiple methods of taking CBD to get the best results.

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