4 Things To Do When Dealing With Periodontal Disease

We are often advised to take good care of not only our teeth but also our gums. We hear the importance of brushing and flossing quite a lot. But, what happens if you do not maintain good oral hygiene? Well, you might develop one of the most serious infections, referred to as periodontal disease. This disease is caused by the accumulation of bacteria on teeth and gums. If this disease is allowed to progress, your teeth and bones can be very badly damaged. And if you need a dentist, you can get beautiful smiles with this Dentist new york. It is imperative that you maintain good oral hygiene in order to avoid such issues. Here are a few ways to effectively treat periodontal disease.

Dealing With Periodontal Disease
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Good oral hygiene

If you have developed periodontal disease symptoms, you will be given certain instructions from your dentist. Your dental care team will advise you on ways of reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth. These practices are aimed at keeping your gums and teeth clean. Your dentist might recommend that you start using a waterpik to keep the bacteria in your gums to a minimum. They will also advise you on how to floss and brush properly, along with other oral hygiene practices to help you eliminate periodontal disease.


Your dentist will definitely recommend antibiotics to deal with the persistent gum infection you have in some very severe cases. The dental experts at The209dentist.com recommend making a list of all of your allergies to not have any reaction due to the antibiotics. The antibiotic can be given in various forms, such as an oral tablet, gel, or even a mouthwash.

Deep cleaning

Deep cleanings are recommended by dentists at least once every six months to maintain your teeth and gums’ health. During a professional cleaning, your dentist will remove all tartar and plaque buildup from your gums, root, and teeth. They will also polish your teeth and treat them with fluoride to enable healing in any deep pocket where periodontal pockets could have been formed. A specific technique of deep cleaning called root planing and scaling can help scrape off tartar and even any rough spots on your tooth where bacteria are most prone to gather.

Dealing With Periodontal Disease
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If in case, none of the treatments work and periodontal disease continues to progress, your dentist might recommend minor surgical procedures. These are used to access sites that are inaccessible during flossing and brushing. This surgical procedure, called flap surgery, cleans all plaque buildup and tartar from under your gums.

Your dentist will put you under local anesthesia to lift your gums and clean the roots of your teeth. After the procedure is performed, they will then stitch your gums back into place. Another technique called bone grafting can be done simultaneously with flap surgery to regenerate any bone loss you might have had.

Periodontal disease is a serious disease of the gums that can have severe consequences on your oral health. If you have developed this disease or are seeing any signs and symptoms, please visit your dentist urgently. They will take the appropriate measures to halt it from progressing any further.

If you don’t have a dentist yet, you check out this dentist in Ballantyne now to get started.

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