10 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness Daily

Practicing mindfulness can be a very beneficial addition to your daily life. This is especially true for recovering addicts because mindfulness has suggested to help with  cravings, stress, sleeping disorders, some withdrawal symptoms and solving emotional situations . The idea of practicing mindfulness everyday may seem daunting, but it is easier than you may think. Here are 10 easy ways to practice mindfulness daily.

practicing mindfulness daily

1 Go For a Walk or Jog

As mentioned before, exercising is a popular and proven way to keep addiction cravings and withdrawal symptoms under control. Doing aerobic exercises gives you valuable time to think. In addition, you have the option to do this outside and at a low or high intensity as well.

2 Meditate

Meditation is possibly the most common method of practicing mindfulness that comes to mind. This mindfulness outlet has been shown to help with reducing stress and anxiety when practiced regularly, and it can be a great way to take a break and reflect after a busy or stressful day. It is easy to set a little time aside during the end of the day as a part of a routine, and meditating itself is a fairly easy process that combines breathing exercises with mindful thinking.

3 Practice Breathing Exercises

Like meditation, practicing breathing exercises helps lower stress and anxiety levels. This tactic is especially useful for those that have stressful and emotional situations as a trigger. Therefore, practicing breathing exercises might help recovering addicts during an Austin drug detox stay.

4 Practice Mindful Journaling

Journaling is a great and easy outlet for practicing mindfulness on a daily basis, and it has numerous benefits. Writing about your emotions can help with improving mental health during addiction treatment. In addition, writing about goals, accomplishments, and the past allows for recovering addicts to see how far they have come. This may just be the motivation needed for someone in recovery to keep pushing forward. A journal is also a reliable place for those with memory loss issues to write notes and try to improve their memory skills.

practicing mindfulness daily

5 Do Yoga

Yoga combines breathing exercises with body movement, and it has benefits similar to meditation. Exercise is a popular outlet for those in alcohol and drug rehab programs, and this is an easy type of exercise to add to an existing exercise routine. “Because we know that practicing yoga helps people in recovery combat their cravings and spot signs of early relapse, yoga classes are offered to all our clients who wish to give it a try”, says Mat Gorman, CEO of Nova Recovery Center.

Due to it being low intensity, this is a particularly great choice for those recovering from injury or experiencing chronic pain.

6 Practice Mindful Eating

Slowing down and taking your time with everyday activities helps with reducing stress. Eating healthy meals is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, and slowing down while you enjoy them is an easy way to practice mindfulness multiple times a day. It also reduces the chances of weight gain during addiction treatment and recovery.

7 Take the Time to Recognize and Work on Bad Habits

Addiction treatment is an excellent opportunity for personal growth. Therefore, there is no time like during addiction recovery to recognize bad habits and work on improving them. Practicing self improvement is an easy way to be mindful while also working toward living a productive sober life.

8 Take Time Out of Your Day for Self Care

Practicing frequent self care is a great outlet for maintaining good mental health and reducing stress. This is extremely individualized, and personal self care can be anything you want. Even just taking the time out of your day to enjoy something like a bath or a snack can be an effective outlet for self care.

9 Use Chore Time as a Time to be Mindful

Chores are an essential and often boring part of everyday life. However, they can be a great excuse for taking a break from a busy or stressful day when needed. Doing easy tasks can be very therapeutic for trying to reduce stress and anxiety, and doing necessary chores leaves you feeling guilt free.

10 Establish a Daily Routine

Having a daily routine helps to combat boredom, distract from addiction cravings and triggers, and helps with managing withdrawals. More importantly though, it allows you to set aside time to practice mindfulness more easily. It also makes the transition into sober living easier because those with daily routines tend to be more productive on average. Creating a daily routine is easier than you may think, and this is made even easier by working toward making healthy lifestyle improvements.


Practicing mindfulness everyday is very helpful for managing triggers like stress and anxiety. Some of the easiest ways to do that include meditating, practicing breathing exercises, doing yoga, going for a walk or jog, practicing mindful eating, and taking the time to practice self care. Establishing a daily routine, focusing on self improvement, and using simple everyday tasks such as chores as a time to practice mindfulness can make this practice even easier.

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