How to Have Better Meals at Home

Better meals at home are possible, even if you have never cooked before. Cooking is a joy and becomes something you will look forward to. It’s also a lifelong skill that you can pass on and enjoy with others. But above all, you have complete control over what goes into your body.

Learn to Use a Knife Properly

First, a good quality knife is essential. It is recommended that you buy the best you can afford. Global knives are a perfect balance between quality and affordability. If you look after them they will last forever. Cheaper knives won’t last and end up costing more. There are many excellent catering services for events. But at home, knife skills are vital. Find a chef’s knife that feels comfortable and keep it sharp. Remember, a dull blade is more dangerous than a sharp one!

learn to make better meals at home

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Better Meals at Home with the Basics

There is a foundation that all good cooking is based on. There are small variations between cuisines, but mostly, they are the same. For example, many Southeast Asian recipes are based on the holy trinity of chili, garlic, and ginger. French recipes often rely on dairy products. Learning the basics of the good you love will enhance your food to almost restaurant levels. Around 56% of people struggle with the basics, but it’s all about practice and perseverance.

Invest in Quality Pans and Post

Another investment you need to make is pots and pans. Like a good knife, these can get expensive. But also, like a knife, they will last forever if you look after them. You also don’t need to buy them all at once. For instance, making stocks and stews is advanced, so you don’t need a stock pot right away. Begin with a sauté pan and a saucepan. Heavy-based copper pans are recommended as they are easy to maintain, strong and provide the most even heat distribution.

Plan Ahead for Better Meals at Home

When you think about it, how much money do you waste on food? Takeouts and restaurants are very expensive these days, even fast food! You can save money and reduce waste with some planning and forethought. Not convinced? Here are some tips for planning ahead for meals:

  • Create a meal plan for each day of the week and shop based on what you need.
  • Divide portions (such as chops) into smaller ones and place them into freezer bags.
  • Check your meal planner each morning and take out what you need for later.
  • Buy perishables (such as onions) on a weekly basis for more freshness and less waste.
  • Develop a lunch menu based on using leftovers from the meals you cook.
  • Don’t cook if you aren’t in the mood, as you will likely mess up the recipe.

If monthly shopping isn’t your thing, you can break it down into weekly grocery lists. The frequency isn’t the point, though. It’s all about knowing what you are going to cook and what you need to do. You can cook batches for reuse, such as meat sauces for chilis and bolognese. 

Find a Cuisine that You Love

Trying to cook everything can become a nightmare. Focus on one type of cuisine that you love and learn about the many wonderful recipes. You won’t like them all but cook your favorites over and over. You will be turning out amazing food in no time at all! Finding a chef you like will also help. For example, if you love French food, then how about Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child? It’s no holds barred crash course to mastering exquisite classic French food.

Cook Together for Better Meals at Home

One of the best things about cooking is that you can do it together. It’s hard to find a chef who doesn’t have memories of cooking with a parent or grandparent who was the inspiration for where they are now. In the UK, about 84% of people cook at least once a week. This is great. But we can do better. Most people also work pretty hard these days, and we don’t get to spend the time together we need. So why not spend it doing something as fun as making great food?

Learn About the Produce You Use

Finally, one of the key things about cooking for yourself is knowing what you are working with. If you love nothing more than fresh fish, then learn about how fish is best cooked. Fish isn’t the same as meat and is more delicate. In fact, it requires a special touch to cook fish well. On the other hand, you will get restaurant-quality steaks at home by learning about the best ways to cook each type of cut and why. There’s also nothing quite like perfectly cooked vegetables!


Finding a good quality knife you like and learning to use it will help create better meals at home. Planning your meals and buying based on the ingredients prevents waste and improves your recipes. You will also get much more out of your ingredients by learning about the produce.

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