More and more products appear on the market today. It can be hard to figure out which foods are good for your health. Seemingly healthy snacks can be loaded with saturated fats and sugar.
Below you will find a list of 20 amazingly healthy and delicious foods that may improve your overall well being. But remember, that there is no single product that can make you healthy. Only a complex approach to your diet may promote your longevity and health.
1. Mango
Mangoes are rich in fiber and enzymes. It may help you relieve constipation, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and piles. Mango is filled with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It can also reduce the risk of degenerative diseases and heart conditions. Potassium, contained in mango, helps replete losses from physical activity.
Due to iron content, mango is recommended for people suffering from anemia. Consumption of mango on a regular basis may help increase the number of healthy red blood cells in your bloodstream.
2. Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is rich in different vitamins and minerals. One medium-sized sweet potato contains about 350% of the daily value of vitamin A. Vitamin A is responsible for good vision and immunity. Both potassium and magnesium decrease the risk of blood pressure fluctuations.
Sweet potato may benefit people with diabetes and heart disease. High fiber content lowers the levels of bad cholesterol.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli has an awesome nutritional profile. Broccoli is packed with fiber, vitamin C, B6, and A. High concentration of phytochemicals may be beneficial for your immunity. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage.
As well as sweet potatoes, broccoli also reduces bad cholesterol due to the soluble fiber in the vegetable. Anti-inflammatory broccoli properties promote vessels and heart health.
4. Salmon
Salmon contains bioactive peptides (protein) that increase and regulate collagen production in the human body. It improves bones strengths and lowers the risk of osteoarthritis and other inflammatory joint conditions. One can of salmon contains a daily norm of vitamin D, which is useful for the overall well being. Additionally, according to this experienced dentist in Henderson NV, salmon is also packed with calcium, making it a great food for your dental health.
Moreover, salmon contains very high levels of omega-3 fats. These fats have many cardiovascular benefits. It is recommended to eat salmon three times a week to reduce the risk of heart conditions like heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure. Most beneficial is wild caught salmon, you may try such as Alaska Coho Salmon.
5. Oatmeal
The main health attribute of oatmeal is fiber. It promotes healthy digestion and lowers bad cholesterol. Oatmeal slows down the absorption and processing of the food. As a result, it provides you with a feeling of fullness and mitigates your body insulin response. Fiber also increases the number of beneficial gut bacteria and promotes healthy stool.
6. Watermelon
Watermelon promotes good heart health. It is high in vitamin C that prevents arteries’ hardening and increases blood vessel elasticity. Watermelon contains a unique amino acid called citrulline. This acid is aimed at the production of another acid called arginine. Arginine is responsible for the volume and direction of blood flow in the body.
Watermelon is a perfect snack after exercise. This berry is 92% water based and is full of magnesium and potassium. These are elements we often lose when we sweat during exercises. Lack of magnesium and potassium can cause muscle strain and soreness.
Did you know the benefits of watermelon seeds?
7. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are best for eye health due to the content of lutein. Consuming 10 grams of lutein per day reduces your risks of cataracts and age-related molecular degeneration. One portion of leafy greens provides you with 10% of vitamin B daily norm. Calcium in leafy greens promotes bone health. High fiber content reduces bad cholesterol and decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
8. Apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples have a zillion health benefits. They are good for your heart health due to the content of soluble fiber that lowers blood cholesterol. Antioxidants in apples lower the blood pressure. The same antioxidants most likely prevent tissue damage to beta cells in your pancreas. Thus, apples are believed to lower the risk of diabetes as well.
Chewing apple is slightly similar to the tooth brushing process. Apple cannot fully replace a toothbrush, but in extreme cases, you may use an apple to eliminate plaque from your teeth. Be careful with green sour apples as they have a high content of acid and may increase teeth sensitivity. If you experience teeth sensitivity, you should contact your family dentist to prevent enamel erosion and tooth loss. If you need a recommendation, you can consult the Dentist in murray hill in regards to teeth sensitivity.
9. Walnuts
Consuming walnuts on a regular basis lowers overall and bad cholesterol levels. Oils and polyunsaturated fats contained in walnuts are essential for heart health. Walnuts are enriched with alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids that decrease inflammation and promote overall health. The same ingredients keep blood vessels healthy and have a favorable effect on blood lipids.
10. Black Beans
Black beans have a high content of soluble fiber that helps lower bad cholesterol. High cholesterol is often linked to cardiovascular problems. For this reason, black beans are good for heart health. In addition to protein and fiber, black beans are loaded with calcium and antioxidants. Calcium strengthens our bones. Antioxidants decrease the risk of different cancerous growth.
11. Avocado
Avocado is incredibly nutritious. This fruit doesn’t contain any cholesterol, sodium, and is very low in saturated fats. High potassium content decreases the risk of heart conditions and stabilizes blood pressure. About 77% of the avocado calories are fat. The majority of this fat is oleic acid that has many health benefits including reduction of inflammation.
The high content of the fat in avocados may help absorb nutrients from plant food. Adding avocado or avocado oil in a salad may significantly increase the nutrients and antioxidants absorption. Increased antioxidants absorption lowers the risk of cancer and can protect your eyes.
12. Raspberries
Raspberries have the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any fruit on earth. This berry plays an important role in lowering oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and may decrease the risk of cancer. High potassium content stabilizes blood pressure and heartbeats. Vitamin C helps repair and protect skin tissues, bones, ligaments, and vessels. This vitamin also makes you less vulnerable to different viruses and infections.
The combination of vitamin C, antioxidants, and phenols safeguards the membranes of the eye. This organ prevents your eyes from drying out. Raspberry anti-inflammatory properties may lower your chances of heart disease, strengthen your immune system, and promote good digestion.
13. Garlic
Garlic has properties that can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and lower cholesterol levels. Garlic makes platelets less likely to clump together therefore reducing the risk of thrombus and heart attacks. Its antibacterial properties may prevent viruses, bacterias, and fungi. Garlic is an amazing source of vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, and vitamin C.
One of the active ingredients of garlic is allicin. Allicin has hypolipidemic, antiplatelet, pro circulatory effects and may lower the risk of cancer.
14. Lemon
Lemons enriched with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. This fruit is one of the most popular sources of vitamin C. One cup of lemon juice contains 30% of vitamin C daily norm. This vitamin is believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to its antioxidative properties.
Lemon increases the absorption of carotenoids. These are antioxidants that may protect you from diseases and improve your immune system. The citric acid in lemons deters kidney stone formation and breaks up small stones that are forming.
15. Lentils
Lentils provide a wide range of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Lentils are a good source of folic acid and potassium that promote heart health. The high content of fiber helps reduce bad cholesterol levels and improves digestion.
Lentils are also a good source of iron. Iron deficiency decreases your energy and may cause chronic fatigue.
16. Olive Oil
Olive oil is a rich source of healthy polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats. Monosaturated fats reduce inflammation and have a beneficial effect on genes linked to cancer. This oil is loaded with powerful antioxidants. They are biologically active and may reduce your risk of chronic diseases. People who regularly consume olive oil have a lower risk of stroke, which is the leading killer worldwide.
17. Tomato
Tomatoes are low in calories but have high nutritional value. They are a good source of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. The vitamins contained in tomatoes act as antioxidants. They neutralize free radicals and relieve oxidative stress. This prevents cell damage that may result in different severe conditions. The high content of phytonutrients plays a role in chronic disease prevention.
Tomatoes are also rich in potassium which promotes heart health, proper nerve, and muscle function. Lycopene which persists in the content of tomatoes improves bone health and may prevent the development of osteoporosis.
18. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is enriched with probiotics. They fill your gut with good bacterias and improve digestion. Greek yogurt may help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It also improves metabolism and thyroid function due to the content of iodine.
Calcium in greek yogurt may decrease the cortisol (stress hormone) level. So you can reduce the stress harmful effect on your overall health.
19. Mushrooms
All types of mushrooms are rich in protein and fiber. They also contain powerful antioxidant selenium and vitamin B6. Selenium prevents tissues and cell damage caused by free radicals. Mushrooms are also one of few plant-based sources of vitamin D. This vitamin strengthens bones and promotes good oral health.
Mushrooms have been shown to lower the bad cholesterol. Phytonutrients in mushrooms may decrease the risk of forming plaque build-up on blood vessels. This, in turn, helps prevent different heart diseases.
20. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is rich in tryptophan. This is an amino acid that gets converted to serotonin. So it may improve your mood and provide you with a good night’s sleep. High fiber content can also help protect you from heart diseases. Pumpkin contains antioxidants that have been associated with the ability to lower the risk of cancer and chronic diseases.