Why Your Diamond Ring Turns Yellow and Why?

It seems jewelers are running into a bit of trouble with their clients because apparently, diamond rings are turning yellow! Shocking? Not really. This has been a major issue for many diamond owners out there because they checked the diamond, got the certificate, and maybe even got a second opinion from a different diamond jewelry expert. However, diamonds do not turn yellow unless you have been subjected to radioactive gamma rays from space, UV light or some dirt. In fact, some chemicals will turn diamond yellow, but only if the microscopic chance of the perfect combination of chemicals occur naturally within this precious gemstone itself.

Naturally yellow color diamonds are extremely rare. Most of the time, if diamond shows yellowish tints – it indicates being a laboratory grown gemstone, and not a genuine natural diamond. Now, for those who see that their diamonds did turn yellow, I have a list of reasons why it can happened so.

reasons why diamond turns yellow in color

1. It Was Yellow to Begin With

While you may think that you bought a white diamond, there is a chance that you bought a white diamond that has a slight color in it. When you buy a diamond at a jewelry store, you usually look at it in the best lighting condition where the yellowish tint can only be seen by an expert.

When you go outside and are exposed to different levels of light, the diamond may look yellower than it looked in artificial light in shop. Depending on the color scale of the diamond, it might still be yellowish even if it’s a J grade color. Check with your seller again and your certification to see what the color grade is. You should also factor in clarity and cut when doing so.

2. It’s Just the Light

As mentioned before, the environment produces a rainbow of colors and in some instances, yellow or warm light may be predominant. For example, such as when the sun sets or if you are in a place that has warm orange or yellow tones of light. To make sure, you should look at the diamond again in a clear settings.

As moissanite stone tends to be more brilliant than diamond, it is worth checking if you did not buy moissanite instead of genuine diamond. Moissanite is a lab grown gemstone and it creates more colorful flashes than diamonds. Read more on differences between Moissanite vs diamond.

3. Chemical Reactions with External Environment

This is the most common reason why diamond really do turn yellow. Some beauty products such as lotions or hairspray, hygiene products, or chemicals used at home or workplace may be the cause of your diamond turning yellow. There are so many chemical combinations that can lead diamond turning yellow. Please note, that due to nitrogen impurities diamond may turn yellow naturally. Nitrogen tends to absorb the blue light.

finding why diamond turning yellow

4. It Could be a Fake Diamond or a Fake Color Grade

Finally, for those who have no other reason as to why their diamonds are turning yellow, get a second opinion from a different jeweler or two. If you ended up buying a diamond for more than it is worth, you will know once different jewelers form the same opinion about your diamond not being real. Also, it is then worth checking if the certificate of your diamond was faked.

In cases like these, it is best to report it to the authorities so you can determine the truth. Note that you should not make a scene about this as it could be a mistake, take time to get legitimate opinions from few experts first.

5. Repair Errors or Natural Defects

Some diamonds may incur temporary yellow tones after jewelry repair process, especially if high pressure and extreme high temperatures were used.

Also, overtime yellowing may occur if diamond bears crystal structure defects.

The good news is that reputable diamond sellers already have a system in place that can restore the original color of natural diamond. A good seller will also have the basic knowledge and expertise to determine how and why your diamond ring turned yellow.

Overall, yellowish tones most of the times occur due to dirt buildup, microscopic debris from hard water and chemicals. Natural genuine diamonds do not turn yellow as they age.

Remember, diamonds do need regular cleaning to maintain their shining beauty and avoid of coloring changes!

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