How To Find the Right Bra For Your Style

Bra shopping is a pain, and anyone who wears a bra knows how frustrating it can be to sift through pages and pages or racks and racks of bras that just don’t fit your style. The problem might not be what’s available, but whether or not you know what style you prefer and looks the best on your unique body. Shopping for bras isn’t made easy, and that’s why we need to make resources available so the process can be a little bit more joyful and less stressful! With just a little know-how and consideration, you can easily determine what your style is and make it easier to spot winners in an endless lineup of garments. You’ll want to consider what your style is, comfort level and maybe even try experimenting with some different fabrics and styles outside of your box. Sometimes, you find the thing you love by trying something you never thought you’d like. So if you’re curious about what the right bra is for your style, keep reading for some helpful tips and inspiration to get your started!

 What’s Your Style?

finding the right bra

First things first, ask yourself what your general style is. Are you a more casual dresser, or do you like to get dressed up for your day’s activities? Do you tend to wear more outwardly feminine clothing or do you lean more towards an adrogynous or masculine style? All of these things are things to consider when searching for the right bra. If you’re more casual, and don’t tend to like frills then you might be more satisfied with a simpler, toned down bra that gets the job done and keeps you comfortable while doing it. If you tend to like to dress up and wear fancier, more delicate garments, then you might enjoy some silk or lace bras to keep you feeling dressed up and fancy.

Consider Comfort

As with anything you wear underneath your clothes, consider what’s going to be actually comfortable for you. Certain styles of bras such as wire bras just might not be everyone’s thing, and many find them to be extremely uncomfortable especially as they age and the underwire starts to break down the fabric. This can cause the metal to poke out and cause uncomfortable chafing and pain. No fun at all! So consider what your bras are constructed out of, and make sure it’s something your body will appreciate having on it.

Different Fabrics

Bras are made from all kinds of different fabrics, and depending on your style you might go for one over the other. For example, if you like to dress more casually and toned down, a plain but comfortable cotton bra with elastic instead of underwire may be the perfect thing for you. This will be comfortable and add support, but won’t hold everything in so tightly like underwire bras do. Lace is also a popular choice, and is great for anyone looking for lingerie. Silk is another popular choice and many find it one of the most comfortable fabrics out there for bras. Try a few different fabrics and see which ones you like best!

Size Is Key

Of course, knowing your size is going to be an important part of this whole decision making process. Many find that they don’t actually know their real breast size, since sizing information can be wildly different from brand to brand. There are many resources from female owned companies that provide customers with helpful information to find out their true size from the comfort of their own home. Shape matters too. One bra size might not fit for all women with specific breast shapes. This can be especially true if you’ve had a breast augmentation, reduction or breast implant revision. Make sure you know your real size, and then you’re ready to start shopping for the right bra for you.

 Try Some New Things!

Whenever looking for upgrades to your wardrobe, it’s always a good idea to try new things! Maybe you’ve always wanted to try a lace bra but never have out of fear that you wouldn’t like it. But you can’t know until you try right? So, even if lace isn’t your thing try a few new things out and see where it takes you. You may end up finding the bra with a fabric that you’ve always avoided but discovered you love.

When choosing the right bra for your style, first consider what your style actually is! If you’re more toned down, like to dress up or need something for an active lifestyle, all of these different styles will affect what bras you may end up choosing. Next consider what fabrics you prefer, and be open to try any new fabric styles or shapes. You may be surprised at what you end up liking if you take a risk and try something different. If you typically go for lace and underwire bras, maybe try out a cotton bra and see what the difference is.

Good luck finding the perfect bra for you!

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