A Guide to Choosing the Right Bikini

The bikini is a swimsuit that shook the world from its introduction to its evolution. From teeny-tiny micro bikinis to high cut bikinis, the bikini is a popular fashion wear for those who love to spend the day out in the sun. The consistent demand for this type of swimsuit urged manufacturers to create countless styles and designs for high cut bikinis, bandeau bikinis, tankinis, and the like. In fact, it’s a rare occasion to see any two identical bikinis at the beach because of the number of variants and designs available in the market today.

choosing a perfect bikini


Choosing the Right Bikini

The truth is that there is a bikini made for everyone. The swimwear just needs some time to be discovered by its future owner. Many women find bikini shopping to be a cumbersome task; however, with a few tricks, women can enjoy the shopping experience and get that perfect summer counterpart of “the little black dress.”

Apply some tan – applying a self-tanner a day in advance helps to prepare winter skin for that summer glow. Bikinis are made to be worn in the summer, so having a more fitting complexion helps in the overall look. It is important to remember waiting a day after the tan to keep it from rubbing off on the swimsuits.

Conduct a closet check – taking advice from the current styles that work and look good, such as V-necks or halter cuts, is another useful tip. If a V-neck blouse flatters the chest perfectly, going for bikinis with the same design will greatly help the decision making.

Wear a seamless thong – wearing a seamless thong and an outfit that is easy to wear, like a one-piece summer dress, makes the selection process more efficient, especially for high cut bikinis.

Free up schedule – choosing a bikini takes time and should not be done in a rush to avoid poor choices.

Checking the fit – when testing the fit, it is advised to move around. Bend over, lift the arms, relax the shoulders, sit, run, or do some lunges to ensure that the bikini stays put and doesn’t reveal anything that should remain covered.

Bikini Myths

bikini myths


 Swimsuit Size is the Same as Clothing Size

Swimsuits are made to fit snugly; therefore, they come in smaller than normal sizes. The right bikini won’t be the same size as regular clothing. It is best to try out several bikinis before purchasing one.

Small-busted Women Need Padding

Those with smaller chests should not feel the pressure of buying bikinis with padding. Being body positive aside, there are many ways to avoid having to wear paddings such as going for a strapless bustier top or a string bikini.

Black is the Only Colour for a Slimming Effect

Bikinis nowadays come in so many colours that black is not the only option for those who want to appear slimmer. Navy blue, deep plum or charcoal grey are excellent shades that also have a slimming effect. Moreover, vertical or diagonal prints also yield the same results.

Women with Larger Body Build Cannot Wear Bikinis

Anyone can sport a bikini if they want to. Women with larger body frames should not be limited to a one-piece swimwear. The key here is finding the style that works for your body shape and makes you feel comfortable.

Bikini is always fashionable, it flaunts, and it allows someone to tan much better than other one-piece swimsuits – the bikini is here to stay and enjoy the beach and sun.

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