Preapring For A New Arrival? Here Are Some Of The Things You Need To Know

Are you preparing for a new arrival? The first thing that we want to say is congratulations! That’s so exciting and we’re glad that you are putting the effort in to try and get ready for this. Being as prepared as anyone can be is going to go a long way when it comes to looking after your new little one, but even then there are some things that will still come as a shock. There are still some things that nobody tells you about, but we will. Of course, some of the stuff on this list you will have heard before, but you might be thankful that we mentioned others. Keep reading if you would like to find out more about what we’re talking about!

Sometimes Babies Just Cry

getting ready for new arrival in the family
new arrival into the family

The first thing that we want to talk about is the fact that sometimes babies just need to cry. This happens less so right in the newborn stage, but does happen later down the line in a few weeks or months. If you have made sure that they are fed, that they have a clean diaper on, that they are not too hot or cold, that they are generally okay and nothing seems wrong with them, maybe they just need to cry. It does happen, and it’s one of those things that nobody tells you about before you have a baby.

We are told that when a baby is crying it automatically means that there is something wrong. Of course you should check everything, but it’s not always the case. There will be times where your baby just cries because it’s how they communicate or because that’s simply what they want to do. Can it get rough? Of course, but you’ve got to power through with the knowledge that it does not last forever.

Getting Overstimulated Is A Real Thing

When you are preparing for motherhood or fatherhood, we do recommend that you read into overstimulation. Even if it isn’t something that you have experienced before, there are going to be a lot of things going on and it’s important that you understand the signs to look out for. If you do become overstimulated by your child’s crying mixed with other sounds, it can all get too much. Even sometimes if they stop crying and start laughing, the sounds can just blend together to create noise and you can become overstimulated.

It’s a really good idea to take a look at coping strategies for if this happens. The reason we say this is because people often don’t know how to handle something like this and end up feeling alone. We promise you that you are not alone, and there are things that you can do to help yourself.

Get Clothes Sorted ASAP

We recommend getting the clothes for your new little one sorted as soon as you can. Make sure that you are buying a variety of sizes because obviously you do not know for sure how big or small your little one is going to be, so you have to prepare yourself for this.

Take some time to go shopping and then get things like clothes, diapers, wipes, blankets, swaddles and so much more to ensure that you are fully stocked up. This will help you a little later down the line when you’re nearing the due date so you aren’t panic buying things, getting things you don’t like and having to compromise on certain things. An example of this would be something like organic wipes – if you want them, get them early to avoid disappointment.

Don’t Waste Money On Pointless Things

We know that this one is a controversial topic among some groups, but you shouldn’t bother spending your money on pointless things when they are just not needed. Of course, it depends on you, it depends on what you want to do with your baby, but there are just some things that most parents find pointless once they have bought them. For example diaper bins. Just put the diaper in a bag and put it in the outside trash to avoid smells in your space. It’s also pointless to buy them things that they are not going to use, or you are not going to use for them like muslins. Yes some people do use them, but a towel does the same job and we bet that you already have those. 

Your Days Of Sleep Are Over

newborn is a new arrival

This is true for some parents and not for others. In the very early newborn days, they tend to sleep more than they are awake and it’s bliss. But, once this stage is over, so is your regular sleeping pattern, unless you are graced with a child that loves their sleep. Some kids do at random, and it’s just a case of luck of the draw more often than not.

If you get a kid that doesn’t like to sleep though, just do what you can. There’s nothing wrong with contact naps when you desperately need to sleep. You can always transfer them somewhere else for safe sleeping while they are, indeed, sleeping. But. you’ve got to get to that point first so just do what you can. Sleep where you can, take it where you can get it, and try your best to sleep when they do. We know that this advice can be annoying, but it really is helpful if you can manage it.

At the end of the day, you are never going to be able to fully prepare for a new baby. It’s not going to happen even if you spend hours upon hours each day doing your research. Yes, it’s good to be informed but this is simply so that you can make the best possible decisions when the baby comes. You’re going to hit a certain level of preparedness, and then there’s just no moving forward after that. It just is what it is, but we hope that you try to soak up all of these amazing moments of new parenthood as much as you can, even though we know it can be tough.

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