For all the parents out there, are you worried that your child may dream of becoming a professional gamer in the future? This may be an even bigger worry for the parents with a bigger generational gap, as they may have no clue as to what Esports actually entail, and cannot make sense of how it could ever be lucrative and be an actual career. Well, don’t panic! Professional gaming is an actual thing, and Esports is an actual sport as well. If you’re already a parent who is well aware and understanding of what Esports is, and even games together with your child, then that’s great! You might even want to purchase the right equipment, like a computer gaming mouse to enhance your child’s gaming experience. In this article, we talk about what exactly professional gaming is about, as well as the merits and cons of going into it.
What Is Professional Gaming and Esports?
Esports refer to multiplayer video games that are played competitively for others to spectate. Multiplayer in Esports generally refers to two teams that consist of one to five members, depending on the game played. Professional gamers don’t just have a passion for the game, but they actually excel in it as well and have a certain reputation held within the gaming community. They get to earn money through sponsorships, tournament winnings, as well as donations and salaries.
Yes, Esports is a real sport, akin to that of basketball and tennis sports. Not everyone who loves gaming can actually take up the title of a professional gamer because there are various demands that have to be met. For instance, Esports athletes achieve up to a whopping 400 movements on their keyboard and mouse per minute! During gameplay, various areas of their brain are being utilized simultaneously, which can be extremely taxing and requires utmost concentration and expertise.
Similar to that of other sports, Esports athletes are susceptible to physical strains like stiffness in the shoulders and neck, and pains in the hands and wrists. There is a need for amazing hand-eye coordination, which not everyone is able to master. The amount of cortisol that is produced is comparable to that of a car racer, where the pulse of Esports athletes can reach as high as 160 to 180 beats each minute which is what a fast runner experiences.
All this goes to show how Esports can be as demanding as that of traditional sports we’re all well-familiar with. Esports thus requires a certain level of fitness and athletic training, where the lack of it will negatively impact their game performance and hence career.
It’s hard for parents to be convinced that Esports for their child is a career worth supporting and rooting for. However, it’s important to bear in mind that ultimately, what your child wishes to do in the future is still up to them, and you can’t do much to dissuade them otherwise.
Understandably, it is hard for the traditional parent to forget about the violent aspect of video games which may promote guns and violence. But in actual fact, the graphics are not what matter most to Esports athletes. Rather, most professionals tweak the game settings to reduce the graphics so as to boost their game performance. If you truly understand the game just like Esports athletes do, then it’s the strategies, communication, and well-executed teamwork involved that you’ll derive satisfaction from, not the fighting and killing.
Benefits of Professional Gaming
In their pursuit of becoming a respectable pro gamer, there are various elements that your child has to already take into consideration and practice, which can be beneficial to their development. This involves constant and consistent knowledge-seeking, discipline in practicing, networking, learning to be a reliable and good team player, communication skills, leadership, and independence. Other skills that they would have to develop include anger management, performing under a time crunch and pressure, and the need to improve mental health and overall wellbeing.
If your child is serious about becoming a pro gamer, then these can all be achieved mostly by themselves and through their sheer determination. These skills are no doubt useful in not just their future Esports career, but in all other aspects of their life as well!
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Varsity Esports and Scholarships
If your child is already ranking rather high in their game, then varsity Esports can be a much more realistic option. In the United States, many schools have realized the potential of creating their very own varsity team for Esports, which contributes to a more booming school Esports scene currently.
The Cons that Come from Gaming
However, Esports can also bring about negative health effects if your child is not taking the healthy proper steps to build their skills. It’s important that competitive gamers take their physical training, their nutrition, and recovery seriously, but not all children understand the importance of that.
Also, gaming is a sport that involves sitting down on the chair facing the computer for extended periods of time. If your child does not engage in other activities that allow for physical movement and healthy sweating, then this constant sitting does not do any good for their bodies. Furthermore, they would already be sitting down when in school, when eating, and during their own leisure time as well.
Hence, it’s important that you help your child to introduce a healthy routine of taking frequent breaks. A ten-minute break every hour or so that involves them moving around and doing some jumping jacks can help!
In supporting your child in their journey to becoming a professional gamer, there are many things that you can do as a parent. The first step is to understand the sport and take an interest in it as well. This way, your child will also better communicate their needs and concerns to you, which you can help to resolve in an easier and quicker manner. Support them by taking them to watch a local tournament, and join them in watching a professional match every now and then!
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