Doable Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

When you’re a mom, you’re constantly struggling with multiple responsibilities, no matter if you are employed, or being a stay at home mom. You are constantly cleaning the house, cooking and keeping your family together. As a mom you have so much on your plate every day, so it is very easy to forget about yourself and not do the things that make you happy.  Keep in mind that self-care doesn’t need to be an expensive thing. Even you don’t need to dedicate a certain amount of hours to be effective.

Wake Up a Bit Earlier

We all know that sleep is precious no matter if you are a mom or not. But as a busy mom, you are running on a tight schedule all the time. Waking up a bit earlier while everybody is still asleep, you will get needed time for yourself. Use that time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea instead of drinking your lukewarm drinks while running around to get your kids to school. You can also use that time to meditate in your bed, read a book, do some yoga or whatever that will make you feel better about yourself in those extra 15 minutes that you will have.

self-care tips for busy moms

Focus On Your Goals

Even if you are not a busy mom, it is really easy to get caught up in your days and forget about the goals that you have set for yourself. Therefore, it is really important that you make time every day or every week to set your goals. Having your goals written down somewhere, you achieve them. Working towards your goals will make you feel more relaxed and motivated.

Take Time to Meditate

Meditation is known for having a large impact on many things in your life like lowering your stress levels, letting go of mental distractions and managing your emotions better. Therefore, after your meditation you will be more present and concentrated. Even though it can be a bit terrifying to keep up with daily practice, it will definitely be worth it in the end. Find a time in the day where you can do your meditation practice, you can even find some fun ways of doing it by searching it online.

Prioritize small, guilt-free moments for yourself – whether it’s a 5-minute deep-breathing session, a quick walk, or enjoying your coffee in peace – because self-care helps you show up stronger for your family.

Declutter Your House

It has been proven that cluttered spaces can have a negative psychological impact on parents, which can then affect your kids and marriage. This does not by any means mean that you need to be a minimalist and get rid of everything in your house, but it is good to get rid of things that you don’t use on a regular basis. It will not only reduce the amount of stress you’re facing, but it will help your home stay clean.

Treat Yourself to Nice Eyelash Extensions

Many moms in Australia have been getting eyelash extensions because they shorten the daily beauty routine by a great amount. You will need nothing more than a few shot appointments every month or so. No mom needs to worry about their mascara running throughout the day or having your child smudging it and it can take a long time to put it on in the morning while you are rushing. The only important thing you need to do is get them done ONLY by professionals like the Blossom Brows because if they aren’t professionally done they can ruin your natural eyelashes. Getting them done, your morning routine will be shortened. And you won’t have those raccoon eyes you have to worry about and your eyelashes will be as full and long as you want them to be.

Keep a Journal

Writing requires a kind of mindfulness. Writing in a journal can help you balance your emotion and it requires that you sit down and get in the zone for thinking and dreaming. Many don’t believe but there are quite a few health benefits as you are writing down all the things that make you happy and that make you lose your mind. You can buy yourself a beautiful journal that will make you want to write in it.

Read a Book

No matter if you want to read a book to learn something new or just like getting into the magical world while reading, it will help you reduce the stress you are facing. It is important that you take the time to give the most important muscle in your body a little workout. Keep your book in the kitchen or bathroom and try to read at least a couple of minutes while you are doing other things.

Cook a Meal That Makes You Happy

Even though this sounds like more work, it isn’t actually. Pick a day on which you won’t take your family’s dinner orders and make something that you enjoy making and eating. Take the time to prepare your favourite meals just how you like them, use all the spices that you want and enjoy your time preparing a delicious meal. No matter what you prepare, family mealtime is the best time of the day.

Drink Plenty of Water

There is absolutely no reason that you should be slacking on drinking water. There are a lot of benefits that come from it. Drinking plenty of water helps you maintain your blood pressure, keeps your skin nice and hydrated, regulates your body temperature and many more healthy things. This dentist in Keene also adds that water is quite beneficial to your dental health as it helps neutralize the pH level in your mouth.

As a mom, it’s tough to put yourself first but making yourself a priority is sometimes necessary. When you keep giving and giving to your family without taking the time to take care of yourself you will start to feel more and emptier. Therefore, make time to pamper yourself and give yourself real self-care.

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