Understanding 4 Facts about Schooling at Home

The foundational form of homeschooling is children being taught at home by at least one parent who assumes responsibility for choosing the curriculum program, teaching the lessons, grading and keeping track of the documentation. All of this must also be done in accordance with state standards and is a full-time position because it is the only way for children to learn the required information. The curriculum can be purchased from a single publisher or patchworked together based on the parent’s preference. The cost of homeschooling by this method varies depending on the number of children and textbook expense but there are no school fees and all supplies can be shared by the students. For some individuals, this is the truest form of homeschooling and any other option is a way to school at home but is not the same.

Facts about Schooling at Home
Source: Pinterest

Just as public and private schools have evolved in how students are taught in the classroom, homeschooling as changed and adapted to the times as well. Technology has opened more opportunities for students to get their education on their computer at home instead of sitting in a classroom. These online platforms have several benefits including students can work at their own pace, reduces peer pressure and connects students with certified teachers because parents do not have to bear the responsibility for providing instruction. When looking for virtual or online schools it is important to realize that there are different kinds so parents must do their research and choose carefully based on their reasons for adopting this method.

The most popular virtual schools are those hosted by the state school system or affiliated so the curriculum being taught is the same as the classroom. If you are considering homeschooling because of dissatisfaction with state and county standards, then this is not a good option. However, the best Christian homeschool curriculum online is different because it acts as a private school where it can set its own program. Parents looking for a faith-based foundation, Honors or AP prep, NCAA-approved courses or a deeper level of learning need to search for accredited online programs with a solid reputation for graduating students.

Another feature of virtual schools is that some are completely online-based with certified teachers who do all the instruction and parents only need to support, encourage and keep track of the progress. However, other online schools may offer a mixture of print and online curriculum for younger grades which allows parents to be directly involved in their child’s education and how they are learning the information. As the student progresses into higher grades, they transition to full online instruction, but parents can still be involved just not as the teacher of record. For some families, this is exactly what they are looking for because they work full-time jobs and want to be connected to the education at home in some way. Internet has made things even simpler. There are no fuss tutors – reading tutor that are really helpful in enhancing the reading and language skills of kids.

One of the key benefits of the best Christian homeschool curriculum online is the pre-determined curriculum used by the school so parents do not have to become experts and create their own. In addition, documentation is maintained by the school platform so it is official and formal which makes creating a transcript, getting report cards and graduating with a diploma easier in all states. Education at home is chosen by families for a variety of different reasons whether it’s because of health, employment, location, religion or personal preference for another reason. The foundation of the decision will help parents decide which of the above options is the right one for them but there is one more important factor to keep in mind.

Homeschooling at its core is keeping children at home for their education whether the parent is the primary teacher or takes advantage of the best Christian homeschool curriculum online with their professional instructors. Parents can choose to be involved even in this latter option with extracurricular activities, as a tutor for their child, a reliable support system and the individual who will keep them accountable and on track with their studies. Just because a parent doesn’t teach every lesson doesn’t mean their child isn’t being homeschooled because flexibility is one of the distinct hallmarks of this method.

Virtual school is different than ‘homeschooling’ but at the end of the day, the factor that is the most critical is that your child has an education program that is strong, accredited, beneficial and works for your family.  Every family has a unique situation and the best online programs are those that put students and parents in control while giving them the support and administration that makes the education process easier to navigate and work through. Do the research, find the best school and be involved as a parent in every way possible so your student can have a positive homeschooling experience that lays the foundation for what they want to do.

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