How Asking For Help Can Be One Of The Best Skills You Ever Learn

When we think of going through life and developing as people, most of us want to become as strong and capable as possible. We know that life can be unpredictable, and so going through it with broad shoulders and a willingness to meet hardship head-on seems right.

But of course, it’s not always the strongest, toughest tree that will survive the heaviest winds – but the one that can bend with them. In this way, learning to be flexible, accept change, and also seek support where you can find it in trustworthy places is always a better option. That doesn’t mean you can’t be strong, it’s just that a limited idea of what strength is doesn’t have to define you.

when you need help - learn to ask for it

This is especially true when you consider sometimes, one of the best virtues you can have, and one of the best skills you can learn, involves not being too proud to ask for help. But what might this look like in practice? Consider the following:

It Helps You See That You Do Deserve Help

Asking for help doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that you’re just not strong enough. It just means you’re human and need a little helping hand, and we all need a bit of support sometimes It’s okay to admit that. It doesn’t define you as inferior to the rest of us.

Moreover, when you ask for help, you’re showing that you believe you’re worth the effort, and that’s a good attitude to have. It’s a means of reminding yourself that you deserve care just like anyone else. Believe it or not, people also tend to be flattered that you’ve asked them for help and good people will want to do their best.

It Helps You Be Better At Helping Others

Asking for help makes you more empathetic for others who were once in your situation, and this makes it easier to spot when someone else might need a hand. You’ll know how to offer support in a way that feels right because you’ve been there too and may have an understanding of how certain resources work, such as recommending a nonprofit that provides options and help for pregnant women in need of a little more assistance. That might also involve turning up to appointments, helping them rebuild their life and plugging back into the community, especially if a partner has abandoned them. This is unfortunately all too common for many women, but every difficulty can be turned into positive support for another later on down the line thanks to your wisdom and experience.

It Helps Prevent Shame From Holding You Back

Most often, we don’t ask for help because we feel embarrassed or think we should handle everything alone. Yet that kind of thinking can keep us stuck. Asking for help takes the weight off your shoulders and helps you move forward without feeling like you’re struggling on your own, and it’s amazing how quickly you can fly when clothes are supporting you. Just understand what shame is for – for repenting in terrible deeds or actions, not because you slipped or ended a bit of assistance in something as wild and chaotic as life can be. 

With this advice, we hope you can see how asking for help will sometimes remain one of the best skills you ever learn.

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