One scientific research conducted two years ago among prominent universities worldwide stated that getting higher education online would never be better than the real thing. Although more than half of them are going to allow getting full degrees online within ten years and the global tech investments in educational technologies have reached $19 billion (with $360 billion prospective within less than five years), they were still sure that the remote version would not be more demanded than traditional education on campus.

However, after the COVID-19 virus shut all educational institutions over the globe and over one billion students left the classrooms, the situation has completely changed as remote education has become the only way to keep studying. Moreover, there has been noticed the enhanced level of information consumption, which means that obligatory changes caused by coronavirus might positively impact the education field and even are going to stay after the quarantine is over.
Coronavirus and Changes in Education
Before the pandemic started, only a small percent of students preferred e-learning due to different life situations and preferences. The main ways to get a degree online were remote courses and programs provided by universities with the use of different services helping students with homework (should you trust writing service?) Now all colleges are closed due to the lockdown, and with this sudden change, all schools have switched to remote learning. The results were so effective that many people are puzzled whether it will impact the post-pandemic education market.
Responding to the growing demand in remote education, there have appeared more platforms, language learning apps, tools for video conferencing, writing help websites (you can check one of them in this review that answers the question «Is essaypro legit?»), virtual tutor lessons and other different online learning software aimed at facilitating the studying process. Some of the well-known services have experienced a two hundred percent increase in live classes that ended up with the largest online campaign in education history.
Here comes a question: do students actually need a campus-based experience lasting four years? Theoretically, lectures that dont involve active student interaction could be recorded and transformed into presentations; different tech platforms can give the audience all over the world access to the content at low cost, and colleges will free up more resources for research, solving personal students
problems and better mentorship. Students will have more time at their disposal and can attend only those meetings that cannot be held remotely. This hybrid educational model is promising to make college affordable for all people.
Of course, the IT infrastructure will have to make some major improvements in both hardware and software to deliver a smooth experience with online education. Besides, there are also training efforts to change the mindsets of those professors that are not comfortable with handling lessons in virtual classrooms. However, the long-lasting pandemic of coronavirus has already started this interesting experiment, and it can be the catalyst for the huge changes in higher education after it`s over.

Post-pandemic Expected Results
As every educational level has its benefits and unique challenges, higher education may become the one that will trigger a remote learning revolution. Many universities are sure that their students are mature enough to manage online learning and technologically aware of using any new platforms required for proper studying. The only challenge lies in adapting traditional institutions themselves and choosing the right methods and technologies to engage and motivate students.
Even before the crisis, many universities noticed high interest in their online courses, so the appetite of students will likely grow. If earlier colleges considered online education as a threat, now they are making partnerships with tech providers to keep going beyond the pandemic. It has given educators a better understanding of current educational systems` vulnerabilities, benefits of digitalization, and the role of colleges in delivering education. All this may provoke the rebirth of the educational methods.
In fact, right now, when the world has started coming out of the quarantine, many colleges are afraid that their students will not want to go back and insist on proceeding with remote education that will lead to losing money and a decrease in enrollment. They already expect a lower number of international students (that don`t get any discounts for tuition) due to travel restrictions and their plans to keep studying remotely. Students across America are also changing their preferences, and these decisions can greatly alter the landscape for higher education for many years. The coronavirus impacted many young people choosing to take care of their health and stay closer to their homes.
With that in mind, we can state that coronavirus pandemic will definitely become a game-changer in the education industry: even if it is not transformed into remote learning only, we will experience positive changes that will improve the way we learn and bring more tech advancements in the process.
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