For most young people, university is a chance to gain some independence and experience the real world. However, if your university is closer to home, it can be challenging to decide whether to stay at home or live away. If you’re moving far away from home, you will undoubtedly have to stay in university halls for the duration of your studies.
Here are the advantages of choosing to live at home while attending university.
Fewer arguments
When you sign up for university halls, you often end up living with a group of strangers from all over the UK – or world. You may have different personalities and approaches to things. You will probably argue about who’s turn it is to buy bread or who drank the last drop of milk. The arguments in university halls can quickly become heated and stressful.
Save your energy and live at home with a fully stocked fridge and home-cooked food on the table every night. You can still learn to cook at home – but you won’t need to share a hob with five other students too. You can ask your parents for cooking advice, pitch in with the housework and live a life of comfort.
Close to your home friends
It can be challenging to move away from your friends at home – particularly if you have grown up with them. You can live at home and make time to see them around your studies. You can introduce them to your new friends at university and have a great group of pals. However, remember that you won’t get the excitement of living in a new area and going out for casual Thursday night drinks.
Save money
Student accommodation is expensive. If you are attending a university in a city, student rent prices can be excessive, and your only option might be to live at home. You’re also less likely to waste your student loan on takeaways and nights out.
You will miss out on the experience of learning to pay rent, manage bills, and live with new people. Student accommodation will help you to learn vital life lessons. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t experience finance and improve your credit score whilst at home. Have your phone bill under your name, buy something on finance, or apply for a loan tailored to students with poor credit to show that you are responsible when it comes to paying on time.
Fewer distractions
There are fewer disruptions at home, and you can fall asleep each night at a reasonable hour. You can sleep in a comfortable bed with clean sheets and enough space for all your belongings.
Living at home has its advantages, but you will miss out on the social side of university and building lifelong friendships. Decide on your priorities and make the best decision for you from there.
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