A Little Guide for Chasing Away That Monday Blues

Rarely anyone is looking forward to Monday. After all, it symbolizes the end of weekend relaxation and the beginning of the workweek. Usually, this is the most stressful day of the week when you get swamped with tasks and often feel anxiety from facing the workload. This is why some believe that Monday should be optional and whether to go to work depends completely on how a person feels. But, since in most businesses this is not an option, here is a little guide for chasing away that Monday blues. These tips won’t make Monday disappear, but it will become bearable and in time you might even see it as just the day in a week.

how to chase away Monday blues?

Go to Sleep Early on Sunday Night

Turning Monday into a bearable day starts on Sunday, and sometimes even Friday. One of the best things you can do is go to bed early. You may experience trouble falling asleep due to anxiety and staying late over the weekend, but don’t let that stop you.

Have a cup of chamomile tea or glass of warm milk before bed and, also, leave the phone in another room. Going to sleep early will help you start your Monday rested and recharged, as well as in a better mood.

Do a 20-minute Exercise in the Morning

Exercise is something everyone should do for at least 150 minutes weekly to stay in good health and shape. However, the benefits of exercise are also beneficial for the mind since it causes the body to produce feel-good hormones like endorphins and serotonin. Also, it will get your heart pumping and wake you up faster so you will feel more energized for the day ahead.

So, in order to make your Monday more productive and tolerable, do 20 minutes of yoga or HIIT training every morning. The great thing about these exercises is that you can do them at home without requiring a lot of space and equipment.

Drink Plenty of Water

Although coffee and tea are the traditional way to wake up in the morning and clear your head from a sleepy haze, start your day with a large glass of water. Chronic dehydration is a very common thing and can lead to headaches, fatigue, agitation, and dizziness. Also, have a water bottle by your side at all times and make sure you drink at least 8-glasses quantity every day.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is an important meal of the day since it will give your body energy and nourishment. If you are busy to cook, just prepare a tasty smoothie by adding nuts, fruits, and yogurt. Or, almond and soy milk if you are a vegan. This is a healthy way to start your day full of vitamins and minerals that will give you energy for the upcoming working Monday. And the best thing is that you can bring the smoothie to work and have breakfast with your colleagues.

Take a Walk During the Lunch Break

When lunch break comes, don’t stay at the office and eat in the kitchen. Take your lunch and walk to the nearby park since the change of scenery will do you good with Monday blues. Invite a colleague to join you and enjoy a relaxing conversation about everything but work. This way, you will take a break from your Monday and recharge for the rest of the day with a brisk walk.

Get Ready for Your Monday on Friday

Getting ready on Friday for Monday may seem like too much, but you will be thankful for this practice when that dreaded day comes. Make a “to-do” list for Monday and check the tasks that await you in the week to come. That way you will be able to plan your schedule efficiently and maybe even do some of the tasks on Friday. Just don’t overburden your Friday since that will ruin your weekend and make you too tired to enjoy the free time actively.

how to chase away Monday blues?

Spend Saturday in Nature

A fulfilled weekend is the key to chase away the Monday blues. Instead of staying at home, spend the Sunday in nature and recharge your batteries. Get that old bicycle gathering dust in the garage, find cycling shoes that fit you and get going! Alternatively, pack your car with tasty food and head to the local national park for a refreshing hike and picnic. Nature paired up with moderate physical activity will tire you down and at the same time remove the pre-Monday jitters.

Keep the Schedule Light

As Murphy’s Law dictates, Monday will always be chaotic and busy at the office. But there is still something you can do to prevent this. If you have any say in your schedule, then keep it light on Monday. Move tasks and meetings to Tuesday and Wednesday, but if that is not an option, schedule them in the afternoon. Avoid dealing with the most demanding and complicated issues on Monday morning since those will require your undivided attention and dedication.

Start the Work as Soon as Possible

One of the hardest things to do on Monday is to start with work right away. But since you are your best productive self earlier in the day, make an effort and start to work as soon as possible. Choose the largest task and start dealing with it right away without spending time on chats on colleagues and your emails.

This way you will be more focused, concentrated and productive on your Monday and forget all about the blues that come with the first day of the working week. Accomplishing big things early on will give you a push to face other tasks of the day with better motivation and dedication.

All in All

Monday blues are a real thing that makes us feel like we have the world on our shoulders at the beginning of every week. However, this little guide will help you chase away that morning blues but take it one step at the time to not overwhelm your senses. And soon enough you will have a routine that will make every Monday just a day in the week and nothing more.

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