3 Quintessential Party Lifestyle Events that You Might Attend

What is the party lifestyle? Simply put, it’s the desire for hedonism. This means that you’re doing things that feel good for their own sake.

Some people never want to experience the party lifestyle because of everything that goes along with it. This behavior sometimes involves excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, promiscuous sexuality, and a general sense of irresponsibility. While that might seem like paradise to some, others may consider it to be a veritable nightmare.

Most people fall somewhere in between, which is to say that they might dip a toe into the party lifestyle without plunging headfirst into it. They may go to a couple of raves when they’re younger or some college keggers.

If you’re more serious about the party lifestyle, there are some particular events where you can experience it on a more epic scale. We’ll talk about three of those in this article, but beware: these scenes are not for the fainthearted.

Mardi Gras

festival lifestyle
Source: Pinterest

New Orleans, Louisiana, hosts Mardi Gras every year. It’s the place where Southern Hospitality meets reckless abandon. You can enjoy some amazing food, strong libations, and you can drown yourself in beads while live jazz music wails in the background.

What exactly is Mardi Gras? Some people also call it by its more conventional name of Fat Tuesday. It’s a Carnival-style celebration that begins on or right after Christian Epiphany feasts. It culminates on Ash Wednesday.

The past year has subdued Mardi Gras since the pandemic made it difficult for people to come together safely. Now that vaccines are available, though, it should return to its former glory.

Staying safe during Mardi Gras is challenging since this is a time and a place where people gather to drink excessively, take drugs, gorge themselves on gumbo and jambalaya, and generally act as wild and over the top as possible. If you go there when you’re young and single, you may end up having a great time. If you’re married when you go there, you may find yourself single again by the time you leave.

Burning Man

festival lifestyle
Source: Pinterest

Burning Man takes place at Black Rock City in the Nevada desert, in the middle of nowhere. It really is the desert; there’s nothing else around for miles, and you leave civilization two hours behind you to drive into some deeply inhospitable territory.

When you arrive, though, you should find a warm welcome. You’ll also find nudity, art cars, and an unrivaled open-air drug marketplace.

Burning Man is about art, music, and freedom of expression. People dress in the most outlandish costumes imaginable and dance all night, fueled by psychedelic substances. It’s a countercultural event on steroids, and to say that it’s not for everyone would be a massive understatement.

If you go, take double the amount of water that you think you’ll need, and understand that if you’re the least bit uptight, you probably won’t enjoy yourself at all. Burning Man is about letting go off your inhibitions, and frankly, that’s not something that everyone can do.


Carnival takes place in Rio de Janeiro every year. It is the festival that happens right before Lent. It attracts 2 million people or so each year. Like Burning Man and Mardi Gras, the pandemic brought it to a veritable standstill, but it should be back stronger than ever with vaccines emerging.

The first Rio Carnival occurred way back in 1723, so there is a long history behind this event of which the locals are very proud. You will find the same alcohol, drugs, food, costumes, and parades as you would at the other two events, but you’ll also have a distinct sense of inclusivity.

Many of the LGBTQ+ community love Carnival because the community there is so widely accepting of them. Some of them even expatriate and move to Rio after experiencing it.

Like the other events, you need to have a certain mindset to enjoy a party of this scope, but you also need to watch yourself. Some pickpockets love Carnival just as much as the revelers. Certain individuals might have some bad intentions if they find tourists who have consumed too much alcohol and aren’t necessarily able to consent to sexual encounters.

Any of these three events typify the party lifestyle, and if they sound fun to you, there’s no reason not to attend. Just try to understand what you’re in for before you go, and don’t let the scope of these enormous, unhinged events surprise you.

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