Hair loss in women is defined as when a lady loses her hair suddenly and heavily. Humans shed between 50 and 100 single hairs every day on average. Hair shedding is a natural process in which some hairs fall out and others grow. Hair loss occurs when the balance is disrupted – when hair falls out and less hair grows in. Hair loss is not the same as hair shedding. Alopecia is the medical word for hair loss. It can be fixed by Micropigmentation North Carolina.
Hair grows on practically every part of your body except the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, your lips, and your eyelids. Vellus hair is light, fine, and short hair. Hair that is terminal or androgenic is thicker, darker, and longer.
By examining symptoms, doctors can usually diagnose alopecia areata fairly easily. They may examine hairs from affected areas under a microscope to determine the extent of hair loss. If the doctor is unable to make a diagnosis after an initial clinical examination, a skin biopsy can be performed. A blood test may be performed to rule out other autoimmune diseases. Because the symptoms of alopecia areata are so distinct, a diagnosis is usually quick and simple.
Alopecia areata in a Nutshell
Here are some important facts about alopecia areata. More information and supporting evidence can be found in the main article.
- One in every five people with alopecia areata has a family member who has the condition.
- Alopecia areata frequently appears suddenly, within a few days.
- There is little scientific evidence that stress causes alopecia areata.
- People with alopecia areata who have only a few patches of hair loss often recover completely on their own, without the need for treatment.
- Alopecia areata has no known cure.
Hair Loss Treatment
The type of treatment you receive is determined by the cause of your hair loss.
- There may be no need for treatment if the loss is caused by stress or hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy. After a certain amount of time, the hair loss will halt.
- Treatment for hair loss caused by hairstyle methods such as tight braids or ponytails, as well as some chemicals, entails refraining from doing the actions that caused the harm. If you want to get your healthy hair back, consider including best products for african american hair growth in your daily beauty routine.
- You may be advised to take supplements if you have nutritional deficits. You might be recommended to take a multivitamin and three to five milligrams of biotin per day, for example.
- For the treatment of FPHL, minoxidil is approved. In-store purchases of the 2% or 5% solution are available. However, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and continue to use the product indefinitely. If you’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, don’t use this product.
- The low light laser has been FDA approved for the treatment of FPHL. Theradome LH80 PRO® helmet and low light laser helmets and caps are also FDA-approved laser products. Dermatologists and other skin specialists are the most likely to use laser therapy. The FDA has approved the use of some products at home.
At-home laser therapy for hair is intended to help regrow and thicken your hair. It may take several months for the results to become apparent.
The most significant disadvantage of at-home laser therapy is the cost. Some machines cost hundreds of dollars and may or may not work. Before making a large investment, consult with your doctor.
Natural cures
Because conventional treatments for alopecia are extremely limited, studies supporting natural treatments for alopecia are even more scarce. Some people recommend massaging the scalp with onion or garlic juice, cooled green tea, almond oil, rosemary oil, honey, or coconut milk. While none of these are likely to cause harm, research does not support their effectiveness.
Some people seek alternative treatments such as acupuncture and aromatherapy, despite the fact that there is little if any, evidence to support these practices.
Hair Loss Prevention
When hair loss is caused by disease, aging, hereditary, or physical stressors such as trauma, there is no way to prevent it. By avoiding caustic chemicals and tight hairstyles, you can prevent hair loss. You may be able to avoid some hair loss by eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. You can quit smoking.
Alopecia areata does not directly cause illness and is not contagious. It can, however, be difficult to emotionally adjust to. For many people, alopecia areata is a traumatic disease that necessitates treatment that addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of hair loss.
People can share their thoughts and feelings in support groups and counseling, as well as discuss common psychological reactions to the condition.
Some have compared alopecia areata to vitiligo, an autoimmune skin disease in which the body attacks melanin-producing cells, resulting in white patches. According to research, these two diseases may have a similar pathogenesis, with similar immune cells and cytokines driving the diseases and common genetic risk factors.
You can also try:
- Hair Massage – Scalp massage is one of the cheapest ways to try to grow thicker hair. It is free, and if done correctly, it is not harmful. When you wash your hair, gently massage your scalp with your fingertips to stimulate blood flow. You can get even more benefits by using a handheld scalp massager to remove dead skin cells.
- Essential Oils – Essential oils are liquids derived from plants that are primarily used in aromatherapy and other forms of alternative medicine.
Some people with pattern baldness have found success with lavender oil. It is also supported by animal research from 2016Trusted Source, though human studies are required to confirm its effectiveness. Lavender is frequently combined with other oils, such as rosemary and thyme.
Nonetheless, there is insufficient evidence that essential oils can treat baldness or thinning hair. If you decide to try this treatment, make sure to dilute your essential oil in a carrier oil first. Test a small amount of the oil on your arm and wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction.
Note: Although it is normal to lose hair throughout the day, you should consult your doctor if you are losing more than 100 hairs per day.
You should also consult your doctor if you are concerned about persistent hair loss, a receding hairline, or sudden patchy hair loss. Hair loss in patches could indicate an underlying medical condition.
Bottom Line
Hair loss can be upsetting whether it is caused by genetics, a disease, or even stress. Know that there are some treatments available to you, and that expert dermatologists are available to assist you. Your hair loss may be reversible. Consult your healthcare provider as soon as you notice something is wrong, because the sooner you begin treatment, the better.