Don’t Wear Your Years – Tips for How to Prevent Aging

We all love getting that enviable comment, “You look so much younger than your years!” If your night cream isn’t doing the trick, here’s how to prevent aging. Lots of products at the department store or pharmacy will claim to make you look younger. While moisturizing and exfoliating can help, true beauty comes from within… literally! Creams and serums may help the surface of your skin, but only by changing your lifestyle can you really hold back the ravages of time.

If you want to know how to prevent aging, adopt some of our basic healthy lifestyle choices.

tips how to prevent aging naturally

How to Prevent Aging: Adopt Healthy Habits

Looking youthful is more than just using expensive products or undergoing costly medical procedures. If you really want to know how to prevent aging, look into ways how you can change your lifestyle to encourage sleep, good food and other ways that will enhance your health, appearance, and mood.


Some people claim that drinking three liters of water a day can take ten years off your life. While that may not work for everyone, few deny the all-around benefits of drinking lots of H20.

If you are drinking lots of water, you are purifying your system from lots of toxins which contribute to looking old. You are also getting filled up so you are less likely to drink unhealthy beverages like sodas.

If you let yourself become dehydrated, your body will draw water from your skin,  making it look taut and dry. Being dehydrated accentuates bags under your eyes as well, adding to an older look. So drink up!

Sleep 8+ Hours

We all know how we look if we have had insomnia the night before, or too much to drink. A long and restful night’s sleep is one of the most widely accepted ways to look your best.

Many famous beauties attribute their youthful looks to lots of sleep. Cut down on caffeine, exercise daily, and remove all screens like phones and TVs from the bedroom in order to get meaningfully restful sleep and look great.

superfoods prevent aging

Eat Well

The food you eat fuels your body influences your overall health and energy levels, and affects your entire demeanor and attitude. By integrating healthy foodstuffs without preservatives and chemicals into your daily diet, you can slow down the aging process and generally feel and look better.

It’s not even hard to alter your eating habits to emphasize good food over stuff filled with sugar, fat and other ingredients that contribute to aging. Increase your consumption of leafy greens. Consume foods high in antioxidants like berries. Reduce or eliminate the consumption of red meat.

Expanding your palette to include food from other countries can also help. Turmeric, a spice commonly used in Indian dishes, has many anti-aging components, as does the Mediterranean staple olive oil.

If you are looking for foods to incorporate into your diet to slow down your aging process, check out this guiding article on food and nutrition.

Stay Out of The Sun

We’ve all read about the damaging effects of the sun on skin. Even if you use sunscreen, UV rays can age skin by drying it out and causing wrinkles, dark spots and sagging.

Slather yourself with sun lotion before going outside, even if there is a cloud cover. Wear a hat and long sleeves. A tan is not worth the extra decade it will add to your look in the future.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking demonstrably makes you look older by increasing wrinkles, discoloring teeth and leeching collagen and elastin from your skin. Side by side photos of twins where one smoked and the other didn’t show that this unhealthy behavior not only hurts our insides but also our outsides.

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