Is your beauty routine killing the environment? Here is an unsettling look into beauty industry packaging waste that will have you rethinking your products.
The world produces 260 million tons of plastic every year, and about 10% of it ends up in the ocean.
Unfortunately, the majority of plastic waste comes from beauty products.
Beauty industry packaging waste is a major problem in America. When you receive a new beauty product, you may not realize how much packaging you cut through to get to the product.
The good news is that your beauty habits don’t have to wreak havoc on the environment. Let’s explore the effects of beauty industry packaging waste as well as our favorite no-waste beauty tips.
How Much Waste Does the Beauty Industry Create?
Nearly everything from deodorant to mascara comes wrapped in a thick layer of plastic. Why? Plastic is a cheap and easy way to keep products secure through transit.
The use of plastic erupted after World War I. The personal care market was booming, and companies needed to get products to customers quickly.
Manufacturers turned to plastic. The material was light, flexible, and sturdy. It could get beauty products to stores all over the country at an affordable cost.
Fast-forward to today, and the use of plastic is out of control. The beauty industry generates 120 billion units of packaging per year, making it the world’s biggest offender for plastic waste pollution.
In addition to plastic, the beauty industry also produces cellophane, cardboard, and paper waste.
How to Decrease Beauty Industry Packaging Waste
Packaging waste is a major threat to our environment. However, there are companies taking steps to create no-waste beauty products. In addition, there are ways you can create a zero waste beauty routine.
Use Your Finger Instead of Q-Tips
Not only are Q-Tips wasteful, but they aren’t great at removing wax. Q-Tips push wax further into your ears and create blockages.
Replace Q-Tips with your finger.
While in the shower, rinse your ears with hot water. After you step out, wrap a towel around your finger to dry the ear. The process should leave your ears feeling clean without creating excess waste.
Shop Zero Waste Beauty Products
Minimize waste by supporting eco-friendly beauty brands. A variety of personal care companies are switching to recycled or compostable packaging.
Seed Phytonutrients, a L’Oréal brand, works with recycling companies to produce recycled shampoo bottles.
Unilever’s Love and Beauty Planet uses 100% recycled plastic to package their products.
Green People produces reef-safe sunscreen that is packaged in recyclable and carbon-neutral bottles made from sugar cane.
Wax Instead of Shave
Steer clear of disposable razors. Prolong the life of your razor blades by cleaning them regularly. Instead of shaving cream, try coconut oil to soothe your skin while you shave.
Instead of using a blade, try waxing. Organic wax produces minimal waste while effectively eliminating unwanted hair. Plus, waxing decreases your risk of cuts and scrapes.
Explore More Eco-Friendly Tips
Beauty industry packaging waste should be a concern for all Americans. While personal care is essential, we must find ways to take care of our bodies without harming our environment.