If you’re selling your car, then it pays to present it to potential buyers in the best possible condition. By investing a little bit of time into cleaning and tidying, you might be able to attract more buyers, and secure a more favourable deal. So, what sorts of preparation should sellers be thinking about?
Clean your car
You should think of cleaning as a bare minimum. Few buyers are going to turn up and be pleased to find a despoiled vehicle. Those that do, and aren’t scared away entirely, are likely to demand a discount.
Go through the entire interior. Clean every chair, vacuum every crevice, and deal with the carpet. On the outside, you should be thinking about the paintwork. Ideally, it should be spotless. If there are any visible scratches, then it might be possible to deal with them without visiting a professional.
Given the importance of appearances, however, you might decide to outsource some of these tasks to someone who really knows what they’re doing. Valet cleaning might be worth the price, at the very least.
Check the MOT status of your car
If your car’s MOT is about to expire, then the buyer might notice this and ask for a discount. In some cases, they might decide that you haven’t been upfront, and walk away from the deal. It’s generally easier to simply renew the MOT just before selling. You can book an MOT online and get it done reasonably simply.
Check for repairs
All of the onboard electronic devices should be in good working order. Check that they are before selling your car. You should test the lights, wipers, stereo and air conditioning. If any of them aren’t working, then you’ll have a choice of notifying the buyer, or getting the problem fixed. In most cases, the latter option will tend to work out cheaper in the long term.
Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork
You’ll need to make sure that the necessary paperwork is to hand. Certificates, purchase receipts, and the details of any services can all be helpful. Your buyer might want to see proof of all of these things. If they ask for it, it will reflect well on you if you’re able to produce it immediately.
If you’ve been keeping all of your paperwork in the same place, then this will obviously be much easier!